I use a canvas messenger bag which I bought a couple years ago from 7day Shop for my daily bimble bag.
I've got to say I'm well impressed with the build quality etc and the lining isn't as bright an orange as it appears in the picture and the padded divider is removable if you don't want to use it. Also, the popper catches that hold the lid down are nice and positive and the whole bag holds plenty for all my needs.
I've just had an email that they're currently on sale for £19.99 which is a great deal.
I've got to say I'm well impressed with the build quality etc and the lining isn't as bright an orange as it appears in the picture and the padded divider is removable if you don't want to use it. Also, the popper catches that hold the lid down are nice and positive and the whole bag holds plenty for all my needs.
I've just had an email that they're currently on sale for £19.99 which is a great deal.