Good places to find maps


Jul 23, 2013
Does anyone know anywhere (shops, websites, libraries etc) where you can find good maps of foreign countries but ones that are adequate for orienteering/ hiking purposes like our os maps



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Royal Geographical Society is a prime source if you can get access. For remote areas it is worth seeing if your library has eg. the volumes of RAF mapping of the Middle East.
Also if you do a Google search "scale maps (country name)" you should get an entry giving the current position. For example I entered the term "scale maps Spain" and got this link:

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I can spend entire half-days at a time in Stanfords, may be worth a trip to London or Manchester if you're planning a serious trip?

You can spend a lot more than time in Stanfords :D good online too. To give you an idea the next paper map i want of Norway is over £30 delivered.

There is usually good online mapping for most countries and its great for planning purposes but on the ground you want paper + maybe any GPS stuff you might have.

I have a garmin GPS but its strictly back up. Garmin do have very good coverage now but i dont think their topo maps are as good as the OS standard. SATMAP Active 10 are starting to look more appealing with good mapping coming on stream for Europe. Anyway you didnt ask about GPS systems but they are worth considering as garmin for instance allow you to use the maps on your desktop too in their basecamp software.

Do you have a destination in mind?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I used to work in a small mapping shop and we stocked foreign maps. It always amazed me how few countries have decent hiking detail maps 1/50000 or 1/25000 I would argue that of all the maps I dealt with the OS were vastly superior to anything else, followed by the French maps.

Shop i worked in closed down. However i dealt with Stanfords a lot and would recommend them whole heartily

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I used to work in a small mapping shop and it always amazed me how few countries have decent maps hiking detail maps 1/50000 or 1/25000 I would argue that of all the maps I dealt with the OS were vastly superior to anything else, followed by the French maps.

When I was in Oz went in to a map shop and was disappointed at the maps there, the owner agreed with me about how good OS maps are. Kind of nice to know we have the best maps :)

Sorry in not being any use to the OP :p


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