Getting damp on Thirlmere


Dec 15, 2005
Having read Aslan's (SOTP) earlier bloggs about Thirlmere I decided it was going to be next on my list. Carol had loads of marking to do today so I had a pass out for the day, I was up and away by 6:30

Again this one was another first for me so I didn't really know what to expect. If it wasn't for the hum of the traffic on the east shore Thirlmere could have come right out of the British Columbia guide book.

Not too many photos this time as I was trying to work on my paddling a bit today. I've realised I'm completely rubbish in wind which needs sorting out before the Cal Canal trip in September

Not one for p&d car parks I managed to find this layby on the west shore road. Could have been Dob Gill but I'm not sure ?

The put in was a short walk down the bank

I had a bit of a dodgy moment when I got cramp in my leg trying to slide my foot under the seat, I had a bit of a wobble and plenty of explitives but I managed to stay dry.

I set off to in the direction of the northern island, did a quick loop round that and then set off over to the eastern shore. I had a quick blast with my Instant Fisherman on the spinner but didn't get a bite.




I then headed south up to the head of the lake and into a gusting head wind which was literally pushing me backwards at times.


Crossed back over to the west side again and looked for a lunch stop. Found a nice pebbly beach with an old oak with a carved stone seat underneath it, cracked on the kelly and had chilled out for half an hour or so.

After lunch with the wind at my back I enjoyed the easy padlle back down again. An approaching thunder storm made me get out a couple of times on the way back.

I take it the best practice is to get off the water in thunder and lightning ?

The storm passed over without much drama but ten minutes later everything went dead calm and the heavens opened.

So that was the last action my camera saw for the day.

I had the place to myself for the whole day which I was surprised about, it's a lovely bit of water and one I'll be visiting again.

As I got to the take out I met a couple of guys who were setting out to camp on one of the islands. One plastic SOT, one huge sea kayak and a 4 man inflatable dingy (mostly full of Stella and disposable bbqs) to tow behind. They were both soaked to the skin already in their jeans and hoody tops and not one dry bag between them. I wished them luck for the night and left them to it.


Apr 26, 2007
Hey Shewie,
Great pictures and I sympathise about the wind when paddling solo ( I'm still trying to crack that one!) I was up on Thirlemere with SWMBO a few weeks back and had a super time - would have been better if it had not rained for the whole four hours we were out on the lake though:rolleyes:

Really appreciate the KK when its damp and cold

Thanks for posting


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