Gadget show


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
Outdoorsy show tonight. Were using a mushroom identify app to identify a bracket fungus (birch polypore) amongst other fun stuff. They'd probably be dead had they been dead in a survival situation but they'd have had fun glamping.


Full Member
May 23, 2014
The bbq was pretty s****y didnt catch the price though

Infatable tents......I had one of them years ago, canvas, bit of a tipi style thing with three or four inflatable "poles". weren't bad but weighed a ton


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Inflatable family tents for car camping generally costs twice that of the equivalent pole supported tent from the same brand. How hard is it to use poles to save money?

And who would leave a flysheet behind in the UK? Definitely a setup for entertainment. Also a hammock setup would also be better. They've had a similar suspended tent on another presenters versus mother nature programme.

It's a very tongue in cheek programme tonight. How heavy is all that kit? Reckon even the most of dedicated heavyweight camper on BCUK would have lighter kit!

Biolite stove gives too little juice to be worth the weight penalty over other wood fires. Although it was still the only kit in the cooking segment I'd give house room.
Jul 30, 2012
Is it a repeat, I've seen them do outdoor stuff including the biolite before.

As for the inflatable tent, nothing beats a stiff pole tent, be they wood steel or aluminium, helps you tie it down and keep it taught. The only inflatable shelter I can think of is a bivvy bag. I have seen stiff poles bent as they don't give but fibre pole tents just shred and rip.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Show was full of terrible crap, not a single useful piece of camping kit at all but loads of electricity consuming devices, just one long advert for gimmicky gadgetty crap for people who go camping in a vehicle and pitch their tent right next to it, then pop off to the nearest Mcdonalds for their grub and spend their whole time on their ipads sitting around a fire burning every piece of available wood within half a mile, personally wouldn't be seen dead with any of it.

Maybe my mental image of these type of campers is a little warped, maybe.
Jul 30, 2012
Show was full of terrible crap, not a single useful piece of camping kit at all but loads of electricity consuming devices, just one long advert for gimmicky gadgetty crap for people who go camping in a vehicle and pitch their tent right next to it, then pop off to the nearest Mcdonalds for their grub and spend their whole time on their ipads sitting around a fire burning every piece of available wood within half a mile, personally wouldn't be seen dead with any of it.

Maybe my mental image of these type of campers is a little warped, maybe.
Definatley for the moneyed crowd who just want something new, and will quickly loose interest, but not infantile.


Aug 21, 2014
Gadget show. Watched a little bit got bored turned it off
All these glampers with fancy tech and iPads that wouldn't last five seconds if it got dropped batteries fail
Only thing I've spotted that would be of use is the solar charger (ands that's only for my compact DAB radio)
I can just imagine all these ppl sitting round fire watching emmerdale repeats
What's The Point


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Well, it is called the "gadget show" rather than "sensible camping show" lol

Besides the best thing they ever had on that show was suzi perry :D


Aug 21, 2014
I guess it's ok if one is obsessed with having the latest technology kinda like my phone its great in the town and city but the moment I head into the country the signal drops to one or two bar and I'm lucky if I can send a text


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I guess it's ok if one is obsessed with having the latest technology kinda like my phone its great in the town and city but the moment I head into the country the signal drops to one or two bar and I'm lucky if I can send a text

One thing I noticed recently about phones is the newer ones seem to have better signal. I recently started to use my old Galaxy S2 because I was getting my newer phone screen fixed. In areas with questionable reception it got nothing but my partner with a S4mini got reception. In the same place my newer phone (LG G2) gets a reasonable reception, even H+ at times.

Now I know that is down to some phones having better aerials but the Galaxy S2 was the best phone in its day(unless you're a sucker with an iPhone that is). I seem to remember thinking that had good reception compared to my older LG before it (the first LG touchscreen phone), which was better than the ancient, secondhand phone I had before. One thing is design of aerial but I have this idea that the signal processing of the higher spec, more powerful phone also contributes to the overall signal strength. The LG S2 was actually one of the highest spec in terms of computing power (chipset was the best when it came out but later on the newer models all came out with the same one or the slightly higher clocked "updated" versions of the same chip). The Samsung S5 has the octa whatnot chipset which used 4 cores at slower speed for the basics but when power was needed 4 higher spec cores kicked in. Wasn't a true 8 core chipset so wasn't faster than my LG G2 at the time. The chips were something to do with saving power when they could by turning off the power hungry chipsset/cores.

Anyway, I digress. Interest in tech is a hobby like any other. I know some on here have a few expensive drawer queens in their knife collection. The way I look at it is there is a degree of almost craft in even high tech. If there wasn't then they would all be the same I guess or very close. The skins on androids make a huge difference to the use of the phone. They have a high degree of design to them with individual companies having their own unique design brand. It all adds up to tech being a personal choice. It is often collected in the same way bushcrafters collect knives, axes and other tools. It actually does not surprise me that there are some very knowledgable techies on here. The habits that make a gear freak in one activity like bushcraft and their tools make a good one in tech as well. The only difference is the individual's outlook on what is important. Some go down the lo-tech others the high tech. I think it is all good.


Aug 21, 2014
I tend. To agree I always chose to be low tech Surprisingly.the best phone.I own (is ironically a
Nokia 3210 an old brick and its never let me down that has been thru concrete mixers dropped.of a scffold thrown across a field my smartphone rarely leaves the house simply o know for a fact that in my line of work it would get wrecked in no time

One thing I noticed recently about phones is the newer ones seem to have better signal. I recently started to use my old Galaxy S2 because I was getting my newer phone screen fixed. In areas with questionable reception it got nothing but my partner with a S4mini got reception. In the same place my newer phone (LG G2) gets a reasonable reception, even H+ at times.

Now I know that is down to some phones having better aerials but the Galaxy S2 was the best phone in its day(unless you're a sucker with an iPhone that is). I seem to remember thinking that had good reception compared to my older LG before it (the first LG touchscreen phone), which was better than the ancient, secondhand phone I had before. One thing is design of aerial but I have this idea that the signal processing of the higher spec, more powerful phone also contributes to the overall signal strength. The LG S2 was actually one of the highest spec in terms of computing power (chipset was the best when it came out but later on the newer models all came out with the same one or the slightly higher clocked "updated" versions of the same chip). The Samsung S5 has the octa whatnot chipset which used 4 cores at slower speed for the basics but when power was needed 4 higher spec cores kicked in. Wasn't a true 8 core chipset so wasn't faster than my LG G2 at the time. The chips were something to do with saving power when they could by turning off the power hungry chipsset/cores.

Anyway, I digress. Interest in tech is a hobby like any other. I know some on here have a few expensive drawer queens in their knife collection. The way I look at it is there is a degree of almost craft in even high tech. If there wasn't then they would all be the same I guess or very close. The skins on androids make a huge difference to the use of the phone. They have a high degree of design to them with individual companies having their own unique design brand. It all adds up to tech being a personal choice. It is often collected in the same way bushcrafters collect knives, axes and other tools. It actually does not surprise me that there are some very knowledgable techies on here. The habits that make a gear freak in one activity like bushcraft and their tools make a good one in tech as well. The only difference is the individual's outlook on what is important. Some go down the lo-tech others the high tech. I think it is all good.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Inflatable backpacking tents are available from Nemo. They do heavier car camping tents too but hit the market with c. 1.5kg solo tents then got lighter and moved into car camping / festival tents I think.
There are some.good outwell and Vango family tents that are inflatable. Especially the Outwell ones are very stable and can cope with the same conditions as their best steel pole family tents. It is also been about for years so has been improved vastly from the original designs. Back then a leak and it's useless. Less so now plus they've got the tubes better too.


Aug 21, 2014
True I've seen a few of these inflatable tents around and some are quite impressive designs. I was watching a program "camping of the future" or something and they had one tent that where the entire dome doubled as a solar panel it was really impressive....

My biggest bug with tents is the fibre glass poles they split after a while. My old tent several of the poles actually split while camping and had to tape them back together

Inflatable backpacking tents are available from Nemo. They do heavier car camping tents too but hit the market with c. 1.5kg solo tents then got lighter and moved into car camping / festival tents I think.
There are some.good outwell and Vango family tents that are inflatable. Especially the Outwell ones are very stable and can cope with the same conditions as their best steel pole family tents. It is also been about for years so has been improved vastly from the original designs. Back then a leak and it's useless. Less so now plus they've got the tubes better too.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.