Fvvwooom, fwoom! Another project complete.

Ben Trout

Feb 19, 2006
Wiltshire, GB
Our Scout group has done a couple of years marshalling the car park for a local firework display. I was charged with sourcing a hand held traffic directing light. I thought about getting some big cyalumes, but that seemed too simple and I was starting to come up with wilder ideas. The first batch had their first outing last year and I have just finished some mk3.2s and mk4s for the Scout and Cub section Leaders. Kit tart that I am I got some group shots before I delivered them;


All on;


The later versions (and my mk1) are dual-coloured;


and for comparison, with a 180 Krill light:


Yes, I'm quite a fan of a certain 1977 science fiction film!

Anyway. I have played with a white LED in a similar package and they make quite effective lanterns. Get a length of clear plastic tube, roll up some clear cellophane and stick that in one end. 5 to 10 thicknesses seem to work well. Glue some sort of reflector over the end. A Lumispot or something similar in the other end with a couple of AAs and a switch or a small torch and some gaffer tape and you'll have a basic version.

Have fun.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.