i've been trying to locate plants in order to photograph them, based on a list (~250 spp.) compiled by a resident botanist (who is not here for the summer. so far i've found about one-third of them. it's a good way to make hiking exercise fun. having no books or keys at my disposal, i'm relying on the list to narrow my options down, as well as the Calflora.org/Calflora.net websites and Google photos...
Eriastrum sapphirinum (Woolly Star):
Gayophytum diffusum (Ground Smoke):
Silene parishii (Yellow Catchfly):
Sisyrinchium idahoense (Blue-Eyed Grass):
i am amazed at the diversity of Buckwheat around here. there's only 4-5 species, but they can look very dissimilar. i am waiting for them to go to seed so that i can eat them.
Eriogonum davidsonii (Davidsons Buckwheat). it looks like a Knotweed--which is in the same family as Buckwheat:
Eriogonum parishii (Parish's Buckwheat):
Eriogonum umbellatum (Yellow Buckwheat). the flowers begin yellow and turn red when aged:
Eriogonum wrightii (Wright's Buckwheat):
Eriastrum sapphirinum (Woolly Star):
Gayophytum diffusum (Ground Smoke):
Silene parishii (Yellow Catchfly):
Sisyrinchium idahoense (Blue-Eyed Grass):
i am amazed at the diversity of Buckwheat around here. there's only 4-5 species, but they can look very dissimilar. i am waiting for them to go to seed so that i can eat them.
Eriogonum davidsonii (Davidsons Buckwheat). it looks like a Knotweed--which is in the same family as Buckwheat:
Eriogonum parishii (Parish's Buckwheat):
Eriogonum umbellatum (Yellow Buckwheat). the flowers begin yellow and turn red when aged:
Eriogonum wrightii (Wright's Buckwheat):