

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
I really liked the David Lynch film, but it was critically panned.
I've just recently re-read the book and feel that a better adaptation would be a mini series cos there's a lot to get in there.
Or at the very least that its a long film.
Still really looking forward to this new film though and I like the choice of Dave Bautista to play Beast Rabban.
If the preview is anything to go by theres a bit more based on Caladan in this new adaptation.
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Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Have to admit not a big fan of CGI being used for internal sets but the technology does keep improving so expecting good things. The cast list is impressive, however some characters are noticeably absent at the moment. It's either going to a be a long film (could we see the return of the interlude?) or are they are going to split the first book into a trilogy as they did with the TV mini-series. We spread our hopes upon the sand and wait...

Kinda of hope they split it over several movies, in the David Lynch version a lot of the fighting & Fremen resistance was glossed over and the mini-series only dipped a toe into it. In the book there's grisly passages about why the Harkonnen & Sardukar won't use captured Fremen equipment and how on at least one occasion a significant sized force barely got out alive after trying to capture a village defended only by old folk & children.

Oliver G

Full Member
Sep 15, 2012
Ravenstone, Leicestershire
I'm reticent to get my hopes up, I enjoyed the film as a kid, then last year I downloaded the audiobooks for my commute, I think I'm up to Charterhouse Dune. There is a lot to fit into one film and I think it'll miss out a lot of the political machinations.

It'll be a struggle to get the wife into the cinema to see this, she did not enjoy the film at all, probably because she asked me to explain the background of it before we started watching it, during which I'm fairly certain she slipped into a coma.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
It'll be a struggle to get the wife into the cinema to see this, she did not enjoy the film at all, probably because she asked me to explain the background of it before we started watching it, during which I'm fairly certain she slipped into a coma.

I feel your pain.

Not entirely sure if its a Male Vs Female thing ( I'll admit to being blind when opening a Fridge Search ) but I've also had a partner that when it comes to films cannot handle vague nuances such as FlashBacks , Complex Character development and Story Arcs , Fourth Wall breaks , Plot Twists and other Film based story play.

I recently took them to watch 'Tenet' and watched their willingness to live nose dive into a large family box of sweet'n'salty popcorn and remain there for the rest of the film because they know I'm not to be interrupted when in Film Land.

Point of Order :- If one is struggling to follow a film story and you're seeking answers from your film partner the best time to quietly ask a question is during the very obvious quiet bits of the film ( Long panning footage, travel scenes and the like ) .
The worst time to ask these questions is during the On film character dialogue exchange where they proceed to drown out the most crucial & subtle interaction of said Characters,

( Grrrrrr... )
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