Drawstring pouch patterns


Jun 9, 2005
sheffield uk
Can ayone supply or point me in the right diection? to a decent pouch pattern drawstring type you know the thing!!

Mike Ameling

Need to contact Admin...
Jan 18, 2007
Iowa U.S.A.
There's not much to the simplest version of a "drawstring" pouch. It's just a large circle of leather with an even number of holes punched around the outside just in from the edge - or cut little slits instead of punching holes. You then thread your leather thong through the holes - in one and out the next. Don't use too many holes. The more holes you have, the more material you "bunch up" when you draw it tight - so it is hard to really close up the top. Just be sure to start with a large enough circle of leather. It is surprising just how much you need for the size pouch you end up with.

The other way to do the drawstring at the top is to fold over that edge all the way around to form a tube or hem. Then thread your leather thong through that tube. This works better with thin leather. It tends to bunch up a lot more - making the top harder to close tight.

And if you don't have a large enough circle of leather, then just sew/stitch up most any shape pouch and punch your holes for the drawstring on the top. You can make one from two rectangular pieces of leather sewn up on three sides. Or take a longer piece, sew it into a cylindar, and then sew a round piece in for the bottom. And that "cylindar" section could even be sewn up from several small pieces. The key is punching those even numbered holes fairly equally spaced around the top edge to thread your "drawstring" through.

If you have an old pair of pants, just cut off one of the legs, sew that cut end shut, then punch holes through ust under the bottom hem for your drawstring. They make a great and quick ditty bag. The longer the section of pants leg you cut off, the larger the ditty bag you end up with. I usually wear out the knees and upper thigh areas on my jeans, so I tend to only have about 8 inches of the bottom part of the legs left to do this with. But it still makes a handy small pouch. I usually sew the cut end shut by sewing in a round piece of denim from another area of those jeans that ain't wore out. A little bit of cutting/sewing on an old pair of jeans, and you end up with two pretty nice little ditty bags.

Yes, you could try to thread your drawstring through the hem of the pants leg, but it ends up being pretty hard to do, and you still end up with a lot of material bunching up when you draw it tight.

Hope this helps.

Mikey - yee ol' grumpy blacksmith out in the Hinterlands


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