Docu; Joanna Lumley in the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006

Uncle mentioned this...I thought `Ah! I know that...Bhutan`

(Of course as a Tengu I have to keep an eye on my age old enermies the Dragons. So I would know about a country with a Dragon King...He looks human enough, but that doesnt decieve me)

I havent seen it yet. But its probably worth watching, rare chance to see a part of the world where they still seem to value a pristine enviroment over money.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Havent seen it yet.

New Dragon King crowned few days back, Oxford educated chappie (typical Bhutanese literati...they tend to get about, there are no Unis in Bhutan you see, so a lot go to India...or this country. And of course they speak english to communicate with the Indians)

It is a country said to be self sufficient.

The old one had a nifty idea that alas hasnt caught on in the rest of the world...

Whereas other nations have a GNP (Gross National Product) Bhutan has a GNH (Gross National Happiness)

I fail to see what telly has to do with this mind.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Pity not available to those out of the UK so I couldn't see it.

Went to Uni with a couple of Bhutanese. Nice people.

One had been the protocol officer assigned to the British High Commisioner to India who was attending the coronation of the previous king (in 74, I think).

The Bhutanese are keen on archery and Sir Michael was asked to try his hand (or is it eye?) as were the other national reps.

Unfortunately, this knight of the realm put an arrow into a spectator! Right in the thigh!

Fortunately just a flesh wound to the sturdy Bhutanese. No harm done.


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