DIY Mini storm kettle Mk1


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
With the weather here in Wales swinging rapidly between seriously inclement and downright bloody abusive on almost an hourly basis today I've been tinkering in the shed. Now much as I do covet my brothers 'trekker' size (half litre) kelly kettle it still takes up more room in my pack than I prefer and at £30 a time caching one at each of my favourite overnight locations is just not viable. However after being dragged off by SWMBO yesterday for the weekly shopping expedition and allowed breifly off-trail in the store I came across aluminium beer bottles then had an idea...


It's ugly as hell and not particulary stable but managed to boil 470ml of water from the rain butt in under three minutes. I've used a biscuit tin for the chimney but some of the newer soup cans are tall enough to be potential prospects for the next incarnation. The coke-can burner most of you probably recognise and the stand and handle is galvanised fence wire I found on my wanderings.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.