Daily Star's Story


Jun 5, 2007
Did anyone else see the Daiy Stars claim that Grand Theft Auto creators, Rockstar Games, were making a GTA based on the horrendous acts that occured in Rothbury?

I missed the original article, however it's covered in these two links


[quote="expertreviews]Daily Star 'journalist' Jerry Lawton yesterday somehow managed to pass off an obviously doctored cover art for a game based on Raoul Moat's rampage in and around Rothbury in Northumberland.

Dubbed GTA Rothbury, Lawton claimed that Rockstar was working on the game after citing 'several games websites' who apparently 'showed the cover of Grand Theft Auto Rothbury'. Lawton neglected to say which websites these were and, despite our best efforts, we’ve been unable to find them.

To make matters worse, Lawton contacted the 69-year-old grandmother of Moat's ex-girlfriend – one of his victims – to find out what she thinks of Rockstar's next, and completely fabricated, GTA release.

"It is sick – it's blood money," said Mrs Hornsby. "The game is beyond belief."

It’s a good job the game is "beyond belief" but it’s a wonder how this made it through the Star's fact checking process. What's more disconcerting is how Lawton used Mrs Hornsby’s understandable rage to his advantage and as some sort of justification for the pure fantasy he has created.

To make matters worse, the Star's headline suggested that a film and book are also being planned. The story was pulled as soon as the gaming industry started throwing knives in the Daily Star’s direction, but Lawton showed no remorse for his mistake even after the story was pulled.

"[I'm] baffled by the fury of adult gamers!" he wrote on his Facebook page. "These are grown (?!?) men who sit around all day playing computer games with one another who've today chosen to enter the real world just long enough to complain about my story slamming a Raoul Moat version of Grand Theft Auto!

"You would think I’d denied the Holocaust!!!" he continued. " think I’ll challenge them to a virtual reality duel….stab….I win!!!"

Frankly, we'd rather he just apologised to Mrs Hornsby for this disingenuous act. It's one thing to contact people who’re no doubt grieving their loss after the horrendous scenes in the North East, but to do so as part of a sick and ill-conceived fantasy is unforgivable.

It also brings up the age-old argument about violent video games and, to us, Lawton's so-called journalistic reporting is an attempt to smear the industry. Several major studies conducted by well-respected organisations, including The Harvard Medical School for Mental Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health and The British Medical Journal, have shown no conclusive link between video games and violent crime.[/quote]

Daily Star

It's completely unbelievable that someone would stoop that low to get an article printed, and just as bad that the paper never even tried to verify it. I would hope some further action could be taken against the "journalist".


Jun 5, 2007
I too am outraged.

I mean, admitting on a public forum that you read the Daily Star, how shameful!

Thats lible! For shame! Booo! You cad sir! Cad! I didn't say that, I actually even said I missed it.. :D I tend not to read tabloids at all, infact is it possible? Look at pictures, yes.. but read in any sort of meaningful way? Hmm perhaps, perhaps not.

I did find the link in the expertreviews site however.


Jun 26, 2008
What a bunch of idiots.
Yes, someone did photoshop the GTA cover to depict Moat on the front as a bit of edgy 'humour' and it did the usual (viral e-mail) rounds, but those goons must've got the wrong end of the stick.


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