Pignut said:Thanks for that!
Is there anything cleavers can be mistaken for?
troyka said:what, makes it coffee? many drinks people refer to tea, when there is no tea in it, or coffee like the cleavers you mention, but how are they defined as a tea or a coffee.
Toddy said:They're both infusions but one has a *thickness* to it that the other lacks.
Teas are light, watery infusions; coffee like chocolate or barleycup is most like an infusion but with very fine particulate suspended in it. Can't think of any other way to describe the difference Both dandelion and cleavers are very good though. Didn't like acorn coffee much Anyone got a decent recipe for them?
Pignut said:Is there anything cleavers can be mistaken for?
Pignut said:Also my understanding that coffee uses a roast product for the infusion, tea does not
Thanks for all the ID help as well, was covered in the stuff the other day after some serious strimming! was just wondering if there was another plant that is similar, but I dont think there is