Chicken of the woods

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
Back from my hols in Gower peninsular. Had a great time. The campsite was good but very crowded on the Friday and Saturday nights in fact it looked abit like a mini Glastonbury and a group of about 15 or so young people (in their 20's turned up and pitched up near me as it was one of the groups birthday. (not generalising about young people here by the way most are good and there are equally older people who are a pain in the butt) Completely loud raucous, cackiling laughter until the early hours of the morning not even attempting to keep it down and have consideration for other people :(
Anyway other than that I had a great time. Caught Mackeral and Ballan Wrasse and got a good tan. I went to visit a local castle and whilst walking in the woods I found a beautiful example of 'Chicken of the woods' I've seen these a few times before and they've always been very high up in the tree and not easy to reach. This one however was easy to reach and I took some to add to my dinner. However I didn't eat it in the end as I'm very nervous about eating funghi. I'm not very good at my funghi ID'ing and probably can only recognise for definate about a dozen. My question is - Is there anything 'chicken of the woods can be confused with that is poisonous or can upset you. This one was growing on oak which I know chicken of the woods does, it's texture was like chicken , sort of stringy when broken so that was right too. I'm 99% sure it was chicken of the woods but didn't quite feel confident enough to try it in case there was some sort of allergy in some people to it or it was 'fools' or 'false' chicken of the woods or something like that. I'll try and post some pictures later. I'm a bit peeved with myself about not trying it though because it was a beauty and in prime condition :( but the last thing I wanted was stromach cramps or illness whilst on holiday so I decided not to risk it. Am I correct in thinking that they re-grow if you slice some of. I only cut off enough for myself and not the whole thing which I try to do always and just take enough for my own needs.
Looks like everyone had a good time at the moot by the way - Nice one. I'd have been there, but was looking after my dogs so couldn't make it this year. Glad everyone had such a good time though. :You_Rock_


May 5, 2005
There isn't really anything that chicken of the woods can be mistaken for. That said some people can react to it when eaten. Make sure you fry it properly, only use the younger outer growth as the older stuff is a bit tough and leathery and try a small piece first. I love the stuff myself, fried up in butter with onions and garlic :)


May 26, 2006
I found a lovely crop of this in my local wood the other day.
I too was worried that I could be confusing it with something else, didn't have me books with me to check.

Will deffo go back and see if there's anymore.

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
Can't upload the pictures :(
Anyway maybe I should have given it a go if only a small piece. I too didn't have any books with me on Funghi so couldn't check. Although I was fairly sure it was 'Chicken of the woods' I was worried about getting a stomach upset (or worse) whilst on holiday which would have ruined it of course. Best err on the side of caution with funghi. Never mind. Next time I spot one I'll take a small slice and fry it up.


May 26, 2006
This is one of the bunches I saw recently - this is COTW right?



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