What about this,
The Team Game
This game has three aims. One to teach a knot, Two to throw a Life Line and Three, which is the big one, is to teach Team Work within a Patrol.
Each Patrol to be issued with a Life Line, (which is a long rope with or without a monkeys fist in the end), A old Car tyre and a Carpet Mat.
Where to play ?
You can play this in the river, but in your troop hall is a good place to start.
How to Play.
1. Each patrol is to line up at one end of the Hall. Patrol Leader in front of each Patrol with the Assistant Patrol Leader at the Back.
2. On the GO! command, the first Scout, PL, runs to the end of the Hall with the Car tyre and Carpet Mat. When he gets to the end of the hall, he is to place the Carpet Mat on the floor. He then must place the Car tyre on the Mat. When this has been done he must then sit on the tyre with his/her arms out to the sides to catch the life line.
3. The second Scout, who was behind his Patrol Leader must throw the Life Line at the Patrol Leader so that it lands over his stretched out arms. Dont for get to hold on to the end of the Life Line when you throw it !
4. When the Patrol Leader has got the Life Line, he must then tie a knot, (Round Turn and Two Half Hitches, Bowline or what you want them to tie), around the tyre. When he/she has done this it must then be inspected by a Scout Leader.
5. When the Scout Leader gives the OK, the rest of the Patrol are to pull the Patrol Leader back.
6. Once the Patrol Leader is back with his Patrol, the knot is untied, the Patrol Leader goes to the back of the line, the second Scout then takes the tyre and mat to the top of the hall, the third Scout must get ready to throw the Line, and we repeat as above until each Scout has throw the Line and Sat and Pulled back on the tyre.
7. The game must be timed. The winning Patrol must stand at the alert with the Life Line coiled correctly on the tyre, with the tyre on the Mat in front of the Patrol.
The winning patrol will be the Patrol with the best team work.
When the Patrol is pulling back their member on the tyre, the back person should be coiling the rope so that it is ready to through again quickly.
A good Patrol will practise through a line and their knots, so that next time you play this game they will be ready.
If you have to run a Patrol Leaders training course then use this game at the Start, In the middle and at the End and see how each Patrol has improved.
A 1st Class time is about 10 to 15 Seconds per Person.