Present greetings earth habit ants
I am excited to announce I have found a substantial amount of logs which I currently intend to make torches from.
I am inexperienced at this and have never made one but I have searched the digital library for information on the subjet and I have a multitude of options to approach this project from.
Chainsaw! I wish! I will have to power out the strokes with the grey matter instead and what's wrong with a good old sweaty log sawing in my free time.
In the time I have allocated for drying I hope to purchase a 25mm auger and green collapsible bow saw for future opportunities.
Does any member have any tips or triumphs or failures they wish to make known to me before my challenge is upon me!?
I am excited to announce I have found a substantial amount of logs which I currently intend to make torches from.
I am inexperienced at this and have never made one but I have searched the digital library for information on the subjet and I have a multitude of options to approach this project from.
Chainsaw! I wish! I will have to power out the strokes with the grey matter instead and what's wrong with a good old sweaty log sawing in my free time.
In the time I have allocated for drying I hope to purchase a 25mm auger and green collapsible bow saw for future opportunities.
Does any member have any tips or triumphs or failures they wish to make known to me before my challenge is upon me!?