What is the Bushcraft UK (BCUK) Bushcraft Challenge?
The BCUK Bushcraft Challenge is a tiered set of challenges for members of the Bushcraft UK forum, allowing members to develop, practice and showcase their skills in a way which encourages learning and progression within the community. It is accessible to people new to the craft and those who have 'been there and done that', with the three levels of difficulty providing a challenge dependent on your current level of ability.Most importantly, it is a fun way to get involved in the craft we all love, as part of a community
How do I participate in the Bushcraft UK Bushcraft Challenge?
1. Create a new thread with the title "<your forum name> Challenge Thread", for example "Chris Challenge Thread"2. Select the correct prefix for your challenge. Most people will start with 'Preparing for Challenge'
3. Copy and paste the latest version of the Challenge from this thread into your first post. It will be the latest post in this thread, showing the most recent version number and date.
4. When you're ready to go, change your prefix to "Getting stuck in!"
5. For each task you complete, please post photographs/videos where possible or give a detailed written experience of what you did, challenges faced and then the outcome where videos/photos are not possible
6. When you have completed the tier you are currently working on, post up and ask one of the challenge staff to verify your challenge status. Please make sure that your challenge version is the most up-to-date one at the time of posting this request. They will then update your thread prefix to show your current completion status, either Basic, Intermediate or Master Complete
What do I need to know before I start?
BCUK Bushcraft Challenge Code of Conduct
This is very important, as the reputation of both the forum and the craft as a whole relies on people acting safely and responsibly when participating in it.
Example challenge thread
This is an example post showing what your individual challenge thread should look like and how to format it.
Is there a prize or a badge or something?
Once we reach v1.0 and onwards there may be something... who doesn't love a shiny thing to show off?!
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