The whole Bushcraft "thing" for me is about zero, or as near to it as possible, stress. So, armed with this,
I plotted and organised a trip for myself. Some of the remote areas in the North of Scotland, since the demise of the Post Bus, have no service, and some, a one day week service only. Further to that, the services that do exist are run by a multitude of different bus companies, with time schedules that don't coincide. Anyway, with only one 14 mile walk between two locations that has no service, I had a good time, and on one occasion I was glad to see a late bus. I got dropped off at some windswept place with no shelter anticipating a three hour wait, when the previous bus, that was running late appeared. The other thing, (that I've always known anyway) the further North you get, the happier, polite, and more helpful, the bus drivers are.
I plotted and organised a trip for myself. Some of the remote areas in the North of Scotland, since the demise of the Post Bus, have no service, and some, a one day week service only. Further to that, the services that do exist are run by a multitude of different bus companies, with time schedules that don't coincide. Anyway, with only one 14 mile walk between two locations that has no service, I had a good time, and on one occasion I was glad to see a late bus. I got dropped off at some windswept place with no shelter anticipating a three hour wait, when the previous bus, that was running late appeared. The other thing, (that I've always known anyway) the further North you get, the happier, polite, and more helpful, the bus drivers are.