Book Review - The sheltering desert


May 16, 2005
SE london
After Weekend Warrior's excellent book reccomendation of 'call of the wild' by Guy Grieve i thought i would add on of my own.
from the extreme cold of the Alaskan interior to the blistering heat of the Nabid this time with staggering similarity. Man's will to survive and the happiness bought from the basics of living.
i am not much of a writer so i shall copy the short intro to let you know what it's about.
I have read this before a few years ago and now am pleased to be able to embark on this uplifting journey once more, cos time made me forget the good bits! :D

Treatened with internment for the duration of WWII, Two young german geologists sought refuge in the namib desert and lived a Roninson Crusoe existance for two and a half years. How they mastered their situation, what they did, thought and observed are the subject of the sheltering desert.

The Sheltering Desert - by Henno Martin


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Looks like an interesting read, I have just finished the Hiroo Onoda book and also read The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawizc, both exceptional reads if you are in to unbelievable feats of survival. I will look in the library to see if this book is in and give it a read.

I was thinking of starting a book reading thread where people can write a quick blurb and their thoughts on books they have read, not sure how this would go down but it could be quite interesting if people just post about the books and it doesn't get cluttered and Off Topic.

Thanks for the heads up though, I'm always on the lookout for good survival books!


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