Best use of unwanted gear


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
This time of year we all love being out in the cold camping and brewing up. Sorry to bring the mood down but there are people out there who don't enjoy it one bit, and we've all seen them, those less fortunate than us living on the streets of our cities, towns and villages. Money is tight for everyone but there's probably one thing if we are honest we can all do without and have cluttering up spare space

As we all know the cold can be a killer, I've been hypothermic myself and it's no fun at all. But I've recently learned that a lot of local soup kitchens and homeless charities accept, and are in fact crying out for, outdoor gear. So for in the spirit of the season I'll be digging out the 2 unwanted sleeping bags, and a disused waterproof or 2 and donate it to my local one. So long as they're in reasonable nick and washed they'll have them. And if you don't have a charity local consider walking up to that person you've seen so many times and saying "here you go" with unwanted kit, or even a sarnie and a brew, a little kindness can go a long way!

Anyone up north these guys accept donations of gear readily (no affiliation at all just think it's a good cause)
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Good on you :) and it's a timely post too :approve:


Cheers Mary. At best donations like that might save a life, at the very least it might just brighten someone's day who hasn't had much to be happy about that day. Something I feel very strongly about is help for the homeless and neither me or johnie on here can walk through the town center without them stopping us because I'm proud to say I know many of them personally. And they're some of the nicest people you could wish to meet
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
We do not see any homeless around here - but all my spare kit has gone to the Syrian Refugees - the farm I work at was a collection center...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
We do not see any homeless around here - but all my spare kit has gone to the Syrian Refugees - the farm I work at was a collection center...
Again another great cause John :) good on you mate. It's nice to see a lot of the bushcraft community give to causes like that, maybe it's because we know what the cold can do, maybe it's because we've all accrued masses of kit to spare. But either way it's a good thing!


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Good on you Mick.

A couple of years back a friend of ours was trying to get a disused council building converted into an overnight stopover for the homeless... similar to the ones that have popped up in London, but closer to the type in America that are set up to deal with a good deal of people. Long story short, the council came up with a myriad of reasons why the building couldn't be used and just when they were running out of believable arguments, the building mysteriously flooded, leaving it uninhabitable. Strange that! Private Eye then reported that the building had been sold to a developer for luxury flats. Luxury flats eh... those properties that instantly make you think affordable housing!

Anyone who has seen In Pursuit of Happiness, a true story, will know that the stereotypical homeless person is exactly that... a stereotype. I'm with you Mick, some nice people who have had problems of one sort or another and in a society so willing to buy a goat for an African family as a Christmas present, it would nice to see a bit of charity at home. Not saying people on here don't already help out, because I know many do... but if someone gives me a card this year that tells me I've sponsored a snow leopard or paid for a wishing well in Africa where the locals can go to wish for food, I feel perfectly charitable in punching that person in the face and telling them to go forth and be seasonal :D

You've convinced me though Mick... I've seen sleeping bags on sale for a £10 locally, so I'm going to grab a couple and head up to Manchester for some seasonal giving :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Good on you Dewi. Spreading a bit of good karma and all that! It's easy for people to get into the mindset so many people have about the homeless and some people don't realise just how easy it can be.

I'm reminded actually of a success story of a local celebrity here known as "bag man" he used to wander around Sunderland carrying dozens of bags with all of his possessions in them. Long story short he was a maths teacher made homeless by the closure of his school and being unable to find a new job, according to the Sunderland echo he wrote a book on just how easy it is to fall on hard times and got it published and is now set up and in a nice 3 bed semi in a good area of the city. Thoroughly nice chap and I remember distinctly a conversation when I helped him pick up the contents of one of his bags when a local scally thought it amusing to kick it into the road. He shook my hand and thanked me for the help and said to me that id been the first person to speak to him in weeks, and treat him like a human being. Just shows you doesn't even have to be material things a simple conversation and some kindness can make sombodies day

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Insel Affen

Aug 27, 2014
Tewkesbury, N Gloucestershire
Dug through my old kit the other day and found an old vango doss bag. Not really any use to me any more, but not falling apart, less a little fag burn. But given the choice between nothing and that....Anyway, the wife took it down to a shelter, so it'll get good use.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Dug through my old kit the other day and found an old vango doss bag. Not really any use to me any more, but not falling apart, less a little fag burn. But given the choice between nothing and that....Anyway, the wife took it down to a shelter, so it'll get good use.
Aye too right I shouldn't think I would be bothered about a fag burn if it was keeping me warm! Good for you mate! Nice to see especially with this cold snap that at least a few people will have a warmer nights kip because of the kindness of the BCUK clan
Nov 29, 2004
Good stuff Mick.

As has been mentioned in another recent thread, even if you would struggle to give anything, making eye contact costs nothing.

Additionally socks are one of the most sought after items by those living rough.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Exactly gents if it's only clutter seems a shame that someone isn't getting use out of it. Or as you put it sandbender eye contact is free. Didn't know that about the socks but makes perfect sense and a cheap enough item For someone to pick up without breaking the bank too
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