bags,flasks and other bushie odds and ends for trade


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
I'm looking for a few odds and ends and the one in one out I promised myself means I've a few odds and ends I need to shift - might as well do both at the same time so I have the following items avalible.

1) Swedish gas mask bag - canvas and leather - grey with painted leather
2) woodland camo croatian shoulder bag
3) Original German post war bread bag - modern style in field grey
4) single walled flask
5) Camelbak eddie bottle
6) small nalgene (older version)
7) wooden hobo fising rig
8) canvas bag of goodies, spools of fishing line, bank line, firesteel scraper other odds and ends
9) replacement ALICE pack straps
10) Czech rucksack - un-issued but no straps
11) leather neck knife sheath - low profile suitable for 6" AOL scaleless knives

plenty of other stuff just need to have a bit of a sort....

trades wise I'm after

enzo necker blank - pref scandi but I wouldn't pass on a full flat either
US GI poncho liner
small 5X7 tarp
Stainless mess tins - pref the dutch ones
a GI pilots flask
2 GI 1 quart canteens
Swedish army 25L lightweight daysack
pair of GI pilots gloves - size small
oak knife scales 5mm thick a must, other dimensions need to be 4"X2"ish
small leather drawstring pouch - roughly the size of an apple when full
esee izula or Tops mini scandi
opinel no12 saw

happy to be generous re swap items - this stuff needs to clear....
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Jul 12, 2013
I have a newly made up leather pouch, suede on outer, leather ( green ) on base.

Roughly size of an apple, easily cut down in height, stands about 7 inches tall atm.

Consider swopping for the hobo rig



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.