BA Environmental science


Full Member
Jul 11, 2010
Under a tree
Hey everyone,

Looking for some advice, seems liked the right places to ask,

Thinking of going back to studies, considering a BA in environmental sciences. Back in 2004 I started a masters in pure and applie chemistry but left after 2 years with a certificate of HE in chemistry. Observed requested my academic transcript because I think I may be abed to transfer credits.

I've been in Spain for the last 18months, and work so thinking open university.

Has any one studied this degree or know of it?

My main concern is that it may be heavy on theoretical science side.

Any insights chaps?


Hi Highbinder,

I'm currently about half way through a BSc (hons) Environmental Science with the Open University. I've completed the modules that equate to the first year at a 'bricks and mortar' university and am half-way through the level 2 modules. The level 1 modules (first year) are of two types - one is a basic grounding in all the relevant scientific area and is largely theoretical. The other level 1 module is looking at how science interacts with society, and as you would expect is also theoretical.

So far I have completed one level 2 module that was again related to science in the wider world. The one I'm studying right now takes the theoretical knowledge and applies it to real world situations (I've only been doing it a month so am not that far in to it). The first block is a virtual field trip to Dartmoor and is based around a supplied DVD containing a couple of applications that allow you to carry out a pretty good approximation to a real field trip from your PC.

I thoroughly recommend the OU for anyone who can't attend a bricks and mortar university for whatever reason. You can fit your studies around the rest of your life (work, family commitments, etc). There is a very good website which guides and in some ways controls your study progress. Throughout each module you have to complete various assignments, and most modules now have a final formal exam (not had to do one of these yet).

Looking at the level 3 modules, they are much more practical, and one of the modules is a project.

Hope this helps, and feel free to ask any questions.


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