Excellent. There are a few of us out there.
Actually, field archery is how I ended up on the bushcraft road - I guess it was just all that time I spent in the woods.
I shoot AFB, and am a member of the NFAS. I also have the job of Shoot Organiser for Holmbush FA near Henfield in West Sussex. I have shot at Saxon and Senlac plenty, and the Senlac shoot this year was spot on - even if the humidity in the woods on the day made it as close to the tropics as you will probably ever get over here. Never been to rye, are they NFAS?
I dont think that you have to take the competition side seriously, I just see it as being able to shoot new shots in new woods as often as I can. I like 3D targets (I got hold of 50 of them second hand the other month and they are now filling up my loft and garage) :-?
I met a man the other week who was mad about making bows, out of anything he could find - he had a real knobbly one made from hawthorn. I made a hickory bow in the woods with Mr Mears and Mr Boyton this summer - only problem was that it ended up about 18 Lbs, shortened to just over 20, and I think I am going to have to do another 3 days scraping a stave whilst sitting on it to make the big bugger I had been wanting. Still, I am sure I will get use out fo the girly one.
I hope to be orgainising at least 2 shoots next year (one over a weekend for Holmbush, and one for a venture I have planned). People should come play and craft their bushes at the same time.