Arctic sea ice growing

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I like it. looking forward to a frigid winter. I want it damn cold.

We might all need to upgrade our cars to V8 engines and warm the planet in an effort to stave off an ice age :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 15, 2010
Interesting times. I agree, it's no way sussed out. All hypothesis ATM.

There's just so many variables.

I think the next few years will be highly illuminating. New satellites and better data will further our understanding. With the PDO pacific oscillation entering a cooling phase and the sun entering a period of low activity, it's promising for cold fans.

This winter looks interesting. All the long range forecast models are showing much higher than normal chances of northern blocking and there was the classic tripole in the north atlantic in May that points towards a 2/3rds chance of a much colder than average winter. Weather researchers have found the most similar pattern for this year being 1962 which was a very cold year.

Apparently, although sea ice cover varies, the thickness of the ice has been steadily dropping for quite some time. Thinner sea ice obviously melts in the summer quicker.
Jul 3, 2013
United Kingdom
Head spins quietly...

The only certainty is that people have notoriously abused the ecosystem for a long time, pouring filth into rivers, chucking waste into the seas, using chemicals known to be more harmful than slightly more expensive alternatives to save money. As for global warming, the opinions one gets from scientists depends largely upon who is funding their research.

My answer would be to invest massively in research into Thorium reactors - safe and cheap to run. The Chinese are investing in this research, the Americans lost interest when they realised that it didn't advance the technology of blowing things up, and the British have pledged about £2.79 to the task. In the meantime, billions have been spent on windmills which are intermittent and which will never provide more than a fraction of energy needs.

The whole thing is the most dreadful mixture of short-sightedness, partisanship, confusion and political and commercial opportunism.


Full Member
Nov 11, 2008
A little deep for this time of day.. However, im a firm believer that our climate is cyclical and although we may have effected it slightly mother nature will do what she wants.
No governments will invest too much in alternatives to fossil fuels as most of the large countries derrive too much income from its production and sale..... If Syria had the same oil reserves as Iraq - Obama would have invaded weeks ago!!!!

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
See Fred Hoyle's book The Next Ice Age which spelled it out years ago. Global warming may have prevented it so far.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK

Hmmmm, I don't think they've really sussed it out properly yet one way or t'other. I'm sure I read that if the pattern in the geological record follows through we're supposed to be headed to an ice age, but it's sort of stalled somehow.

Interesting though. What about the ozone holes ?


2012 was an extreme - last year it was predicted that 2013 would have more sea ice than last year (as extremes are usually followed by something not so extreme).

Gosh, they got it right - more sea ice this year than last.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
See Fred Hoyle's book The Next Ice Age which spelled it out years ago. Global warming may have prevented it so far.

Would this would be the same scientist who - if I remember correctly - said the Big Bang theory was rubbish back in the 60s/70s?

To be fair, personally I'm a bit of a sceptic on the global warming theories. Seeing as the Earth hasn't warmed since 1998, despite what all the models were predicting............( mind you, the fact that the models all ignore sun activity tends to raise further questions as to their validity!)


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