

Feb 19, 2005
north wales
i guess this post is a bit late but did anyone attend this years apf show in evesham a few weeks ago i went for the first time,apart from the torrents of rain on the friday had a great day.nordic outdoor and tamarack outdoors were there got myself some new bits of climbing kit some real bargins to be had i love trade fairs can really haggle for stuff.the timberwolf stand was very popular :naughty:
wud defo recomend it to anyone interested in foresty or arb industry.


Life Member
Nov 24, 2004
I went and really enjoyed the two days I spent there. I met an old friend and colleague I hadn't seen for 8 years. He is into pole climbing and chopping so provided a good bit of entertainment plus he decided that I needed to climb one of the poles! Luckily his gear fitted and more importantly his feet are the same size as mine so his spikes were fine for me. Up I went.... about two thirds of the way I was nearly blown off the pole as I had reached the tree line height and it was surprisingly windy. After a bit of scrabbling and ripping my trousers I went on up and rang the bell. Everything looked very small from up at the top and I was fairly glad to be back on terra firma! At 75 he can still go up at a good pace and catches younger climbers!
A good show for anyone interested in the timber world and machinery.

PS. If anyone is into climbing there are some really good workshops and demos by people who have really refined their act (if one can call the demo that) over the last few years. It is really good to listen to the fellow talking and see his partner doing the knots and ropework. Slick and expertly done.
To a non climber like myself it is really a superb part of the day. To be truthful so much so that I have ordered a book of climbers knots to learn a couple of the simpler ones that may come in useful.
Also some good specialist tree climbing suppliers there too.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.