Another batch of homemade jerky

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Hi all,

I happened to pass the butchers counter whilst at my local supermarket at the weekend and saw a lovely piece of topside beef and got half a dozen thin steaks from it.
Pricey but I wanted to make some nice long lasting jerky with the very lean meat.

I have managed to perfect my recipe over the last 6 months or so (at least to my personal taste) so thought I would run through a quick tutorial for anyone wanting to try - apologies in advance as I only too one before and a few after pics.

Firstly trim all excess fat off the meat and cut into your preferred size strips. Width an length are personal preference bit thickness shouldn't be more than 1/4 inch (the smaller the pieces the quicker they dry).

Next the marinade - my personal favourite for around 6 steaks worth of meat is
3 table spoons Worcester sauce
2 table spoons soy sauce
1 table spoon liquid smoke
2 heaped table spoons of molasses or brown sugar (molasses has a better flavour)
Salt and pepper to suit
2-3 garlic cloves crushed
A dash of hot water from the kettle to mix it all together

Pop all the meat into the marinade in a large bowl and mix in well.
I tend to leave it overnight in the fridge but have done batches after half an hour and you just lose a little but of the potency.

Once marinaded blot each piece of meat with some kitchen paper to remove excess marinade and lay out in your dehydrator.
You can do this on the lowest heat on the oven on baking paper with the door partly open but it takes an age and as I understand it use much more in terms of power.

Rotate the dehydrator trays every hour or so, usually takes around 8 hours for the sizes I'm doing.

Once done leave in the dehydrator to cool then enjoy.

You can even pop them into a nice breathable bag for taking on the trail, I am just trying out mine from bilmo of this parish! :)





Cheers, Hamster

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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
Looks very tasty. Must try but how do I convince my mum to let me use her oven for this?!;)

You could save up and buy a dehydrator, they aren't expensive, or you could google 'diy food dehydrator' for ideas and instructions to build one.

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
As bilmo said you can make one -all you need is a lightbulb, cardboard box, some wire and fan (even a battery powered pound shop one would do).
Essentially you put some wire or bars in the box to hang your meat, lightbulb at the bottom to produce heat, fan in the side or top to create airflow and vent holes in the top to let the air/moisture escape.

Failing that I picked mine up on amazon for about £40 and its dehydrated everything I've thrown at it from meat and veg to fruit and improvised sweets - its great for making all your ingredients for a stew in camp lighter and easier to transport and they rehydrate whilst you cook them.
I really must get round to making my own dehydrated meals but never seem to find the time!

Seeng as I'm extolling the virtues of dehydrating I also, as I know quite a few do on here, dehydrate any excess fruit and veg I happen to have before it is about to go off and now have about 6 months of veg to use in cooking sealed in airtight jars.
Just add water for a couple of hours, or in e morning before you leave the house, and they are ready for use.
I will admit its not quite the same as fresh veg but if your cooking with it as part of something and not as veg on its own (stir fry, casserole etc...) it's hard to tell the difference.
The best bit is by dehydrating your not losing any of the goodness from anything.

One tip, especially with jerky, it's easy to forget it shrinks when dehydrated and the pieces look very insubstantial when dried.
It's VERY easy to forget this and eat the equivalent of 3 large steaks without realising it until a little later when it's rehydrated itself in your stomach, not a pleasant experience! ;)

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thanks for the making tips, think I might go for buying one though ... later! I'd like tot have a go but I ssupect your recipe will be too hot for me - my head blows off at a kurma !!!

and I have to say it, been lurking and looking at your post and every time I do I misread it to be "Hamster jerky" ...
:aargh4: bite sized ??? :aargh4::aargh4::joke::surrender:

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Thanks for the making tips, think I might go for buying one though ... later! I'd like tot have a go but I ssupect your recipe will be too hot for me - my head blows off at a kurma !!!

and I have to say it, been lurking and looking at your post and every time I do I misread it to be "Hamster jerky" ...
:aargh4: bite sized ??? :aargh4::aargh4::joke::surrender:

now hamster jerky would be one to try, i wonder if i know anyone who has one!!!

The recipe is actually surprisingly mild, no hotness or spice more of a savoury flavour if it helps.


Albus Culter

Jan 14, 2013
West Yorkshire
Must try this again and fruit leather. Only have the oven to play with, but did try it a while back and it worked well. As mentioned however, it's way easy to eat loads of this and regret it.


Aug 11, 2011
I love Jerky and thanks for your recipe.

I wonder, I have loads of Hickory and think that if I smoke my Jerky after drying, whether it would last longer?


Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
I love Jerky and thanks for your recipe.

I wonder, I have loads of Hickory and think that if I smoke my Jerky after drying, whether it would last longer?


I must admit i have never tried it but suspect it would be better to smoke and dry at the same time - essentially air drying it rather than in a dehydrator.

Once its been dehydrated it is bone dry (well mine is anyway though you can keep it a little moist in the middle if you are using it within a short period) and the outside forms a tough layer (which i think helps it last) but this might also limit any benefit/taste from smoking it.



Dec 2, 2012
Ahhh that jerky looks scrummy! I keep meaning to have a bash at this but just haven't got round to it, which is odd seeing that I love the stuff. Only mine will blow most heads off as I like it hot, really hot.:p


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
I got one of those dehydrators. And someone's bringing me a vaccum sealer he has in his basement. So i'll be having a bash next week.


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