An interesting day


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I had a bit of a mooch about today when the wind coming up the valley from the Severn Estuary allowed me to stay upright (ish), and received the news that we have a pair of Rheas in our part of the valley. I've had a bit of a scoot around on the net and can't find much of interest about them being feral in the UK; I was aware that they were about down in the SE corner but had no idea they'd got anywhere near us here.......Watch this space.

The Ramsomes have been in evidence for a while now, but small and very tentative; for reasons best known to themselves they seem to have put a big spurt on over the last twenty four hours or so, which means that tomorrow I will pick my first handfull of of lovely full leaves and use them to garnish whatever I bring with me for breakfast in the woods. The picking of the first good leaves is my personal first day of Spring...............Happy Days :)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Those rheas are supposedly both hard to find, hard to keep up with (40mph I was told :yikes:) and if cornered/threatened can do you a mischief with either beak or claws.

Brilliant thing to spot when out though :D

The ransoms are really slow round here just now. Almost nothing showing, but the pignuts are showing their first leaves :cool:
After today's weather though ….Ian's right, in like a lamb and out like a lion :)



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Yes, I've read that the Big Birds are capable of some astonishing physical accomplishments, but apparently they're not at all aggressive unless harried or cornered........much like a lot of other animals I guess. But therein lies the problem, we're coming up to badly misbehaving dogs season, and city dogs let loose will just chase and harry everything they come across, and that's when the poor things are likely to be a danger, if at all. It's the scenario that worries us all up here with the Boar, as well; we've come to an accomodation with them in so far as you can, but how do you deal with the effects of the Canine Hooligan? And of course it coincides neatly with breeding time...............but hey-ho, we'll see soon enough, I think :)


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