A very satisfied customer of the BBC-shop.


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
I did not know where to put is elsewhere, so....

I know it is not very bushcrafty, but it is outdoorsy.... in a way...
Over the last year I treated myself and my family with some BBC-documentaries, being the Life-series, the Blue Planet, Planet earth and some older wildlife-series, all with Sr. David Attenborough. I'm a huge admirer of the man!
I also purchased both series about the earth with Iain Stuart....

Why am I telling this?
Because I just have to admit that the BBC-shop has some of the best online retailer customerservice I have encountered so far!
With 2 of the orders some dvd's/bluerays weren't available at the time, allthough I did pay for them.
I was informed immediately, my questions were answered to my satisfaction within 24 hrs and the missing items were dispatched within days.

I order from them directly, knowing my cash goes directly to the company that produces these magnificent series, hoping that my small contribution will encourage them to make more..... It is a great way to spend the long Scandinavian winterevenings. And I wish they'd do a series about Scandinavia..... or Canada..... or northern American wildlife.... or.....

Just so you know.....


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
The BBC have made some stunning programmes over the years, long may they continue to do so.

For lovers of 'old' TV and film, mainly British take a look at

Excellent service from them, highly recommended and very good prices.


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