A pair of bobcats. Yup TWO of them.


Jul 10, 2014
Connecticut USA
I believe bobcats mate this time of the year but they're elusive so rarely see them. I was sure surprised to see two of them hanging out today. Never seen two in the same spot so guessing they were on a date but could be wrong. Dang these critters can blend in so well. It wasn't that far away from me but very hard to see.

The cats moved off. Spent a few minutes looking at the tracks.

Figured maybe I could catch another glimpse moving to a position which could have offered a good view of their potential exit point from the brush. I lucked out.

In two of these pictures you can see both bobcats but won't say which ones. Or maybe it's all three...

Followed the tracks some more but decided I had seen enough.

Thanks for looking.
That was an awesome encounter, MegaWoodsWalker!

I am very jealous of your pictures. :) When I see them, they rarely stay long enough for photos. I see fewer now and I suspect that fast mountain bike traffic, which has picked up in my area, changes the animals' behaviors.

The last time I saw one, I was on a date with a girlfriend. Many people don't distinguish between MOUNTAIN LION and bobcat. They fear both equally. She was like that and I could tell she was puzzled that we continued our hike.

- Woodsorrel

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Thanks for the pix = the ears, then the eyes then POOF! I see you!
Pretty cats. Lynx up here seem to form lasting pair bonds. Bobcats might be similar in behaviour, but I've only seen singles.
If she's preggers (the pair suggests that) should have her kits soon. They won't be out of the den for quite a while.
End of October, should be loaf-of-bread size.


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