a day out with EdS


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
met Ed just outside Ingleton and headed to Kingsdale. Walked up passed the Cheese press stone and over to the Turbary road, which we followed, passing Rowten pot

which turned into a brew stop

Ed on a pocket rocket gas clone myself on a panel wipe Borde
Followed the track along till above Yordas wood

down through the wood to have dinner outside Yordas cave

with Ed warming a smart looking "tiffin" set in a roasting bag in a billy on a panel wipe Optimus and myself a chicken fry up on a parraffin SH & S (Birmingham) primus

before going in to explore the cave - a large chamber with a small aven containg a waterfall cascading down which upon following a narrow passage past brings you back out into the main chamber with some fine formations flowing down the walls
a link to some Yordas photos
just began to snow as we left Kingsdale after a great day out thanks Ed
cheers all Danny


Mar 26, 2007
The land of my childhood.

I grew up in West Yorkshire and spent many happy days in the Dales. Been down in the South for nigh on 30 years and yearn for the harsher landscapes of the North.

Those photos take me back.



Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Cheers Danny.

I'll have think of some more days out. Yarnbury might be a good one - when the snow has gone.

Yarnbury sounds good and with x2 vehicles could leave one at Yarnbury and drive to Hebden to follow the beck up. Looking at the map there's a couple of places I've not seen :-
the stone circle by Scar Top House,Rocking stone,Pillars x2 and another x2 Bield.http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52053


I know the Henge and Cupola Corner and even further over passed Gill House and before the Bycliffe road there's the crashed Wellington bomber site looking out of my front room window you can just see a piece hanging on the lattice fence.

Wellington Mk.X - HE226 - Conistone - 28th May 1945
On 28th April 1945 this aircraft took off from No. 17 Operational Training Unit's base at RAF Silverstone. It is believed that during a cross-country navigation exercise the crew of HE226 missed their turning point in persistent cloud, which had shrouded their aircraft for most of the flight. They were left with little option but to carry out a controlled descent below the cloud in order to try to obtain a fix on their location. With the cloud base at only 2000 feet and unknown to the crew, high ground at 1400 feet below them, the Wellington broke cloud with little room for manoeuvre at best, but with the cliffs at Gill House in front of them, their fate was sealed. From the position of wreckage at the site it appears that the pilot tried his best to avoid the cliffs but at least part of one wing made contact. The aircraft continued to remain airborne for only a couple of hundred yards before impacting on the thinly grass-covered limestone pavement below, killing all those on board instantly.
W/O E.C Cole - Pilot, Sgt. J. Mann - Navigator, Sgt. A.J. Griffiths -Bomb aimer,Sgt. J. Duncan - Air gunner, Sgt. H.H. Rawnsley - Air gunner

the shuttering and spirit level to the right were the start of foundations for a Flowform (vortex) water feature I built. Here it's running with some of my boulder collection

cheers Danny


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Your right Yarnbury to Hebden would be downhill ! I've just found out that the two sets of "pillars" on the map are stone columns which held the head wheels and winding gear from an old colliery
cheers Danny


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.