A city boy’s rural survival practice


Aug 25, 2010
Hello all.

I can't always head into the wilderness to practice our survival skills, so I try to practice as often as possible. Before work today I had some free time so I took a walk around. It’s a small community still being built surrounded by cow pastures and wide open fields. I decided see if I could survive here. I don’t have much real survival experience, mostly books and videos, so I considered it good practice.

I started on this sidewalk, it’s about a mile long and down the whole way there are maple trees on the right and oak trees on the left. The oaks are already sprouting acorns, found decent food stuff already because I know how to prepare acorns. The maple trees aren’t in season, but when they are they would be a good source of liquids and sugars from the sap.



A bit further down is a bridge that goes over a creek/canal. Those are swallow nests, also not the right time of year but a source of meat and eggs when it is. Just need some high rubber boots to get to them, and maybe headgear, swallows are mean.

On the other side of the bridge there is a shallow pool area home to frogs and small fish. They are pretty much stuck in this pool, so relatively easy pickings. The creek is right next to a cow pasture……don’t know if I would eat or drink anything that lives in here unless needed.

To the left of the pool are some thistles, also not in season but at the base of the dead plants there are these big green leaves, not sure if they are thistle leaves or edible yet.


This nice collection of clovers was around…….also not in season.

OOOOO Cattails, the grocery store of nature. I found edible young shoots, root rhizomes, red wing blackbird nests (no eggs yet), frogs, and little minnows.

Just down the creek there is a drainage ditch full of more cattails……don’t know if I would eat them either. Among the garbage you see the green stuff covering the water. That is duckweed, also edible if you’re desperate.

Opposite the drainage ditch in a corner of the field I found some animal tracks, coyote and rabbit. Both shown here.

Oh hey! Emergency shelter!

It’s not the middle of nowhere, but it still has some of the essentials. With some practice I could make a workable shelter. The water will need triple filtering, and boiling (maybe even distilling!). There are some wild edibles and a few animals that may take a bit of skill to catch. Could I survive with the things around here, yes. I think I'd rather actually get lost in the wild before eating anything from that water though.

Imagine waking up in the morning, going to get the paper and seeing me cooking a rabbit! It’s also right next to a road and houses full of people, so it wouldn’t be hard to find my way back to civilization, haha.

I enjoyed it, felt like I learned a bit more. I know where to look for things; I know what they look like. Feel free to correct me where needed, I’m still learning. Thanks for reading.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I liked that , you may want to get in touch with Mistwalker from here as I think you may be on the same wavelength.
I do like these suburban survival posts.

Thanks for posting - Do come again.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
awesome, great thread and like the pic's. keep up the good work mate.........




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