Have a read of this. http://www.traumamonkeys.com/home/2014/11/9/5-myths-about-tourniquets.
In short, improvisation is good but no substitute for the right kit.
In short, improvisation is good but no substitute for the right kit.
Have a look for Cédric Gracia's mountain bike crash video.
He breaks his pelvis and severs his femoral artery, and his mate saves his life by jamming his knee into his groin.
What else did he lose ?sounds like he lost something else instead....
What else did he lose ?
i'd say if someone jams a knee into your groin you'll know what i mean..... . although bleeding to death puts a 100% stop to any plans of having kids, too..... (not trying to make fun but it sounds painful on top of the accident already!)
Can anyone point me to the right place, or even better a good ebay auction? Something elegant for EDC to complement my FAK.
The most important thing BigM is do you know how they work, have you ever used one or seen it done????? once you know this you can adapt things around you if needed if the brown stuff hits the fan???
Don't worry, I knoe not to put it on someones neck...