300 (or so) Fungi I've Eaten--Part 1

300 (or so) Fungi Eaten By Storm--Part 1
(for better or for worse)

While you shouldn’t blindly repeat what I’ve done here, I have a strong desire to help regain lost ethnobotanical (in this case, ethnomycological) knowledge. Hence, i put a lot of Nature in my mouth. There can be serious repercussions with experimentation like this, especially with certain genera like Cortinarius, Lepiota and Amanita. I study and research as much as I can.

I have eaten all the mushrooms listed below. I have eaten all of them cooked. Where noted, I have also eaten them raw. To give you the mainstream view regarding the edibility of these species, I’ve included Edibility information (right after the Common Names) that I’ve gleaned from the major field guides and websites pertaining to this discipline. If a Y (Yes) follows the Common Name, then the species is generally considered edible by mycologists. An N (No) indicates the contrary, while a P (or P?) denotes at least the possibility of gastric upset (or even death, depending on the species and your personal chemical makeup). Be aware that, similar to allergic reactions amongst us to peanuts, seafood and wheat, the same hold true for the Fungi Kingdom. Raw Oyster Mushrooms make me vomit, and Honey Mushrooms usually do not agree with my stomach. But others can eat them with impunity. Indeed, some people suffer after consuming seemingly innocuous Chanterelles! A Question Mark illustrates our ignorance regarding the edibility status of that species.
In order for a fungus to make the following list, I had to eat at least one whole, cooked mushroom (or chopped it up in a tea, in the case of the woody polypores) on three occasions. Any ill effects suffered on my part are noted.

Fungi of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State
That I’ve Eaten (with mainstream edibility information included)

-I’ve eaten all these cooked
-I have eaten these raw where noted

ScientificName----Common Name ----Ediblity According to Field Guides----I’ve Eaten This Species Raw (Y or N)
Agaricus abruptibulbous----Bulbous Woodland Agaricus----Y----N
Agaricus augustus----The Prince----Y----Y
Agaricus campestris----Meadow M----Y----Y
Agaricus comtulus----Almond Meadow M----Y----Y
Agaricus praeclaresquamosus----Flat-Topped Agaricus----P?----N
Agaricus silvaticus----Red-Staining Agaricus----Y----N
Agaricus silvicola group----Woodland Agaricus----Y----N
Agaricus smithii----?----Y----N
Agrocybe praecox----Spring Agrocybe----Y----N
Aleuria aurantia----Orange Fairy Cup----Y----Y
Amanita constricta----Constricted Grisette----Y----N
Amanita pachycolea----Western Grisette----Y----N
Amanita vaginata----Grisette----Y----N
Armillaria ostoyae (mellea)----Honey M----Y----Y (GI upset)
Baeospora myriadophylla----Lavender Baeospora----N----N
Bisporella sp. (citrina?)----Yellow Fairy Cup----?----Y
Bolbitius vitellinus----Sunny Side Up----Y----Y
Boletus barrowsii----White King Bolete----Y----Y
Boletus chrysenteron----Cracked Cap Bolete----Y----N
Boletus edulis----King Bolete----Y----Y
Boletus flaviporus----Viscid Bolete----Y----N
Boletus fragrans----?----?----N
Boletus mirabilis----Admirable Bolete----Y----Y
Boletus pulverulentus----?----Y----N
Boletus rubripes----Red-Stemmed Bitter Bolete----?----N
Boletus subtomentosus----Yellow Cracked-Cap Bolete----Y----N
Boletus zelleri----Zeller's Bolete----Y----N
Bondarzewia berkeleyi----Pale Bondarzew's Polypore----?----N
Bondarzewia montana----Bondarzew's Polypore----?----N
Bovista pila----Tumbling Puffball----Y----Y
Bovista plumbea----Small Tumbling Puffball----Y----Y
Calocera cornea----Club-Like Tuning Fork----Y----Y
Caloscypha fulgens----Snowbank Orange Peel Fungus----?----Y
Cantharellus formosus (cibarius)----Pacific Golden Chanterelle----Y----Y
Cantharellus infundibuliformis----Winter Chanterelle----Y----Y
Cantharellus subalbidus----White Chanterelle----Y----Y
Cantherellus (Gomphus) bonari----Orange Wooly Chanterelle----?----Y
Chroogomphus tomentosus----Wooly Pine Spike----Y----N
Clavaria vermicularis----Worm Coral----Y----Y
Clavariadelphus pistillaris----Common Club Coral----Y----N
Clavulina cinerea----Ashy Coral M----Y----N
Clavulinopsis corniculata----?----?----N
Clavulinopsis laeticolor----Golden Fairy Club----?----N
Clitocybe cyathiformis----?----?----N
Clitocybe nebularis----Cloudy Clitocybe----Y----Y
Clitocybe nuda----Blewit----Y----Y
Clitocybe obsoleta or C. fragrans----Slim Anise M----Y----Y
Clitocybe oromophila----an Anise M----?----Y
Clitopilus prunulus----Sweetbread M----Y----N
Collybia maculata----Spotted Collybia----N----N
Coltricia cinnamomea----Fairy Stool----N----N
Coltricia perennis----Elegant Fairy Stool----N----N
Coprinus atramentarius----Inky Cap----Y----N
Coprinus comatus----Shaggy Mane----Y----Y
Coprinus micaceus----Mica Cap----Y----Y
Cortinarius cinnamomeo-luteus----Cinnamon Cort----P?----N
Cortinarius collinitus----Belted Slimy Cort----Y----N
Cortinarius violaceus----Violet Cort----Y----N
Crepidotus herbarum--------?----N
Crepidotus mollis----Jelly Crep----?----N
Cryptoporus volvatus----Veiled Polypore----?----N
Cyathus striatus----Pleated Bird's Nest Fungus----?----N
Dacrymyces deliquescens----?----?----N
Dacrymyces palmatus ----Witches Butter----Y----N
Daedaleopsis confragosa----Thin-Walled Maze Polypore----N----N
Daldinia grandis----Carbon Ball----N----N
Elaphomyces granulatus----Common Deer Truffle----Y----N
Exidia glandulosa----Black Witch's Butter----?----Y
Fomitopsis cajanderi----Rosy Conk----N----N
Fomitopsis pinicola----Red-Belted Conk----N----N
Fuligo septica----Scrambled Egg Slime----?----Y
Ganoderma applanatum----Artist's Conk----N----N
Ganoderma oregonense----OR Varnished Conk----?----N
Ganoderma tsugae----Hemlock Varnished Conk----?----N
Geastrum saccatum----Sessile Earth Star----N----N
Gomphidius glutinosus----?----Y----N
Gomphidius oregonensis----Oregon Gomphidius----Y----N
Gomphidius smithii----Non-Yellowing Gomphidius----?----N
Gomphidius subroseus----Rosy Gomphidius----Y----N
Gomphus kauffmanii----Scaly Chanterelle----P?----N
Gomphus floccosus----Wooly Chanterelle----?----N
Guepiniopsis alpinus----Poor Man's Gumdrop----?----Y
Gymnopilus junonius (spectabilis)----Big Laughing Jim----?----N
Gymnopilus liquiritiae----Bitter Gymnopilus----?----N
Gymnopilus sapineus----Common Jim----?----N
Helvella lacunosa----Fluted Black Elvin Saddle----Y----N
Helvella maculata----Fluted Brown Elvin Saddle----?----N
Hericium abietis----Conifer Coral Hericium----Y----Y
Hydnellum peckii----Strawberries and Cream----N----N
Hydnellum zonatum----Zoned Hydnellum----N----N
Hygrocybe conica----Witch's Hat----P?----N
Hygrocybe flavescens----Golden Waxy Cap----Y----N
Hygrocybe miniata----Miniature Waxy Cap----Y----N
Hygrocybe psittacina ----Parrot Waxy Cap----Y----Y
Hygrocybe punicea----Scarlet Waxy Cap----P?----N
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca----False Chanterelle----P?----N
Hygrophorus (Hygrocybe) singeri----Slimy Witch's Hat----P?----N
Hygrophorus hypothejus----Olive-Brown Waxy Cap----Y----N
Hygrophorus pudorinus var. fragrans----?----N
Hygrophorus subalpinus----Subalpine Waxy Cap----Y----N
Hypholoma capnoides----Conifer Tuft----Y----N
Hypomyces cervinigenus----Helvella Eater----P?----N
Hypomyces lactifuorum----Lobster M----?----N
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis----Amethyst Laccaria----Y----Y
Laccaria laccata----Orange Laccaria----Y----Y
Lactarius deliciosus----Delicious Milk Cap----Y----Y
Lactarius fallax----Velvety Milk Cap----?----N
Lactarius kauffmanii----Kauffman's Milk Cap----?----N
Lactarius luculentus var. laetus----Brown-Staining Orange Milk Cap----?----N
Lactarius subflammeus----Orange Milk Cap----?----N
Laetiporus conifericola----Sulfur Shelf----Y----N
Leptonia carnea----Indigo Leptonia----?----N
Leucopaxillus amarus----Bitter Brown Leucopaxillus----N----N
Lycogala sp.----Wolf's Milk Slime----?----N
Lycoperdon foetidum----Dark Puffball----Y----Y
Lycoperdon nettyana----?----?----Y
Lycoperdon perlatum----Gemmed Puffball----Y----Y
Lycoperdon pyriforme----Pear-Shaped Puffpall----Y----Y
Lyophyllum decastes----Fried Chicken M----Y----Y
Marasmiellus candidus----White Marasmiellus----?----N
Marasmius androsaceus----Horsehail Fungus----?----N
Marasmius oreades----Fairy Ring M----Y----Y
Melanoleuca melaleuca----Changeable Melanoleuca----Y----N
Morchella esculenta----Yellow Morel----Y----N
Mycena acicula----?----?----N
Mycena adonis----?----?----N
Mycena clavularis group----Bark Mycena----?----Y
Mycena epipterygia----Yellow-Stemmed Mycena----?----Y
Mycena haematopus----Bleeding Mycena----Y----Y
Mycena leptocephala----an Alkaline Mycena----?----Y
Mycena pura----?----?----Y
Mycena purpureofusca----?----?----Y
Mycena viscosa----?----?----Y

on to Part 2...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.