tinder pouch

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. H

    A leather tinderbag

    Slow day at home so I'm going to post some finished projects. Soft leather tinderbag, with hand-rolled jute cord drawstring. As easy as it looks to make - I used the TA Outdoors video to get the dimensions right, and the leather was from a family member decluttering an attic - it's thin and...
  2. A

    Homemade Tinder Pouch

    Finished sewing up my tinder pouch and putting the kit together. Here it is: http://s1120.photobucket.com/albums/l484/a1993h/?action=view&current=Image0028.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1120.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fl484%2Fa1993h%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DImage0028.jpg...