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  1. A

    Choosing a compass....

    Hi everyone, Have been doing some reading on navigation and looking to get some practice in, hence I am currently looking to purchase a compass. I was going to get a Silva Expedition 4 as they are highly recommended but it would appear that place of manufactor is no longer in Sweden and some...
  2. Tipi

    Tristian Gooley online course - anyone enrolled?

    Hey Guys, I’ve just spotted that tristian is a offering an online natural navigator basics course. Has anyone enrolled / completed? If anyone is interested here’s the link:
  3. Rob


    We met Lyle recently - The Ultimate Navigation Manual is well worth a read.
  4. Mistwalker

    Improvised Compass

    Here is another reason for packing along a small fishing kit in your pack when out and about. Fish hooks are good for more things than just catching fish. For one you can straighten them, grind off the barb and flatten the eye and you have a functioning needle for digging out...