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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. K

    Newbie needs help

    Amazing.... Sent out emails to my local coucil officials and they have come back today with a woodland site that I would be allowed to stay overnight !!! going to check it out once i get back from cyprus Thanks all...
  2. K

    Newbie needs help

    Ps.. Whats a good online shop for kit??? thinking in the lines of flints and tarps?
  3. K

    Newbie needs help

    Thanks for the info guys.... most welcome... What about the "nebie" course im looking for... Im looking for a 2 day weekend course to get all the basics..currently looking at the wildside 2 day offering?
  4. K

    Newbie needs help

    Hi Well, Im a toatal newbie. I love the outdoors and always watch the ray mears programs and just love the idea of wild camping and bushcraft. Now Im going to book myself on a 2 day bushcraft course (suggestions welcomed) to get the basics. So what I really would like to know is how do you...