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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. R

    Swedish Carving Axe or Small Forest Axe?

    Drat! Just when I thought I'd made up my mind... Ahhhh, but could I just get the SCA and forget about the SFA & Mini? If so, then I might do that. What I was trying to achieve is buying just one axe for everything.
  2. R

    Swedish Carving Axe or Small Forest Axe?

    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. I've decided that I've spent too much time worrying about this, so I'm going to buy both the SFA and the mini-hatchet. There! Decision made...
  3. R

    Swedish Carving Axe or Small Forest Axe?

    I wonder if you guys can help me. I'm looking to buy an axe. Ideally I'd like it to be useful for bushcraft, and so the Small Forest Axe (SFA) would seem the obvious choice, but as I don't go very often, if I could use it for carving, I might get more use out of it. I've been chatting to...
  4. R

    A few Bushcrafty knives for sale

    Mike, It's here! A gorgeous, gorgeous knife. Now I can't wait to get out in the woods and make some feather-sticks. Thank you! Nick
  5. R

    A few Bushcrafty knives for sale

    Mike - Paypal okay? If so I'll have the Birdseye Maple please? - Thanks, Nick