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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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    Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine

    I spoke to David Thompson on Thur and Fri and where as it is quite clear that he is suffering mentally/emotionally, there is a fierce determination to get things back on track even though the business has taken a massive hit this year. Now that the printer and distribution partners are back from...
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    For Sale Killrathi Fixed Blade in G10

    Oh I like the knife I made a promise not to buy any more knives though. Ha
  3. C

    Hi everybody.

    Hi Phi l, I live in the south end of Liverpool not far from Allerton Towers, Blackwoods and Childwall woods. I usually go to Flint or Ruthin to as you say smoke blinding how ever recently due to circumstances (being a full time carer) I've been going to the local woods then taking processed wood...
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    Hi everybody.

    Hi SurvivORR Bushcraft don't they call that the Scouse over flow? ha
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    Hi everybody.

    Thank you for the welcome Damascus, your welcome made me smile! You need to use Scouse google to find Lar Lar land. I live in Liverpool at the moment.
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    Hi everybody.

    Thank you for the welcome Crosslandkelly
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    Hi everybody.

    Thank you for the welcome Broch, I live in Liverpool at the moment
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    Hi everybody.

    Thank you for the welcome John
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    Hi everybody.

    I thought it was about time I joined the community, I have too many interests to list. Hope too share a camp fire sometime with you. Best regards too all