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  1. D

    The Swedish Ice Man of Siberia

    The February 2005 issue shown here at the moment: ?? Of Geographical The Magazine of the Royal Geographical Society. I do not see the article listed, but that does not mean its not there, so I thought I would ask. I don't know if I can get it here (USA)or not...
  2. D

    Favourite Things in Fire Starting

    What's your favourite way of starting a fire? (apart from fire by friction). BlastMatch (so I picked "other" in the poll since FireSteel is a particular brand of ferrocerium rod.) And what firetype do you like best? Chaos What natural tinder do you like best? Fatwood
  3. D

    Lets get some pictures up

    Hi Glen, I knew what your previous answer was, but I figured I would wait until you answered. ....for one thing I don't know all the implications of Appaloosa bone as a material. Now that you have mentioned my OSF knife, I'll see if I can get a picture up here for everyone else. Details...
  4. D

    Lets get some pictures up

    Glen, Never mind, I found them! :rolmao:
  5. D

    Lets get some pictures up

    So Glen, where are the strawberries? ! :rolmao: