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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. S

    Pathfinder Maps

    Another thumbs-up from me for OS Get-a-Map. Granted it's £20ish a year, but print them off and put them in a map holder :)
  2. S

    Hello from Sunny Sleaford

    Hello all, just thought I'd pop in to introduce myself - been a lurker of the forum for a while now so thought it was about time I signed up! I'm Shaun, a 29yr old bloke from Lincolnshire. Always had an interest in the world outside since back in the days when I was at cub-scouts, but hadn't...