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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. S

    Melting Pine Resin - help

    hi guys, thanks for all the responses. Not sure what happened to my last post but basically i was saying i was making snowboard wax and the recipe demanded both beeswax and pine resin/rosin/pitch/sap. If i heated both up in seperate pots and then shut the heat off at melting points and then...
  2. S

    Melting Pine Resin - help

    hi yoger, thanks for the advice. its actually for making snowboard wax but the recipe ive found requires pine rosin and for it to be mixed with beeswax
  3. S

    Melting Pine Resin - help

    Hi guys, New here :) I would like if possible to ask some advice. I need to melt some pine resin and mix it with beeswax. Would anyone know the melting point temperature for Pine Resin and would it be safe to melt in a pan? Or, does it require the double pan method like beeswax? Furthermore...