Search results

  1. polemat

    Hazel knobsticks.

    Thanks Richie, sort of what I'd guessed at, I've got a few lengths cut and drying with some ideas for carved heads. Was just wondering if there was some sort of knob like growth out there in the woods that I'd missed. Cheers.
  2. polemat

    Birch Haul

    Don't get if you don't ask. Nice one.
  3. polemat

    Hazel knobsticks.

    First of all.... oooh Errrrr. Gets that out the way. It's a bit of advice from stick makers that I'm after. I carve a bit and would like to try my hand at a nice figured one piece stick, I've seen hazel carved in this way and was wondering. Is this just a shank cut from a horizontal limb with...
  4. polemat

    hello m'luvs.

    Hello all, just a quick hello from myself, polemat. I'm a fan of camping, walking,cooking, sculpting/ carving, hunting, ferreting, my air rifle, catapult, well you get the picture. Love learning new skills especially when I get to make stuff, most recently cut a few hazel shanks for sticks...