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  1. B

    Campsites in UK allowing stoves or fireboxes in tipis

    Thanks everyone for all your help - feel much more confident now and we are about to take our first trip soon so v. excited. Hopefully we can check out some of the recommended sites it due course! Clare
  2. B

    Campsites in UK allowing stoves or fireboxes in tipis

    Thanks guys, really brilliant resources - very much appreciated! Also though I would still love to hear from anyone who has used a firebox or woodburning stove in their tipi/lavvu on a UK campsite....I know you're out there somewhere! Clare
  3. B

    Campsites in UK allowing stoves or fireboxes in tipis

    Hello All, I am about to get my first tipi/lavvu and primarily want one I can have a firebox or woodburning stove inside. Just wondering whether any UK campsites allow you to do this? Also do they prefer woodburning stoves (being a sealed unit) over the open fire risk of fireboxes? Any...