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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Jorge

    Pleased to arrive here. Jorge from Spain/Croydon

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) Any help I can provide with my native language/knowledge of my own country, is granted. Thank you Woodstock for the piece of advise. At this moment I am trying to compile potential spots, and most of them exclude any human being in a radius of 2 hours walking...
  2. Jorge

    Wild Camping

    Hi mates, For a long time I haven't done wildcamping, and NEVER in UK (I used to do it in my own village in northern Spain). In Spain the situation is a bit complex. It depends on the area, if there are hunters (wow, escape from them!!), if there is threatened wild life, so on... Usually...
  3. Jorge

    Pleased to arrive here. Jorge from Spain/Croydon

    Hi folks, My name is Jorge and I come from Spain. I have been living in UK for 4 years and I plan to stay here for some longer time. My homeland is Asturias, a green wonderful paradise (no bullfighting, no sangria, no yellow fields). Possibly some of you know the Cantabrian Mountains or...