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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. salad

    Trip Report Lunch by the river

    We had a few more guests come later, it was a bit of a banquet tho . End of season cook fest
  2. salad

    Trip Report Lunch by the river

    The tarp.was for my 7 year old step son to sleep under , everyone else slept in bivi bags under the stars. I will find a photo of the food for you when I get home from work Edit You can see one or 2 photos from the food here...
  3. salad

    Trip Report Lunch by the river

    small vid for you hope you enjoy feel free to laugh at my bad attempt at speaking german with my german freinds Video was from an overnight last year in late summer and was edited by a buddy
  4. salad

    Strike anywhere matches

    This is the brand of strike anywhere that we get over here in the alps
  5. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    I have cleaned the pan with a green scouring pad to no adverse effects , I have yet to hit anyone with it so can not really say how it will hold up in a pitched battle The above photo is a close up of the non stick etching
  6. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    The pan is quite heavy , but it cooks super . The non stick coating g feels robust and even if it turns out not to be then it's no problem as it makes a good pan even without the coating . It's hard to explain how they have done the coating but it feels kind of impregnated. Although I an not...
  7. salad

    Trip Report Last overnight from 2017

    Hi Clem , I am an expat living in the alps
  8. salad

    Trip Report Last overnight from 2017

    A few more
  9. salad

    Trip Report Last overnight from 2017

    Popped out for an overnight yesterday, twas the last from 2017 [
  10. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    Final got out for an overnight with the pan , filleted a trout and cooked him on the fire in the pan . Very pleased with it
  11. salad

    Swazi sale discount

    this deal has now ended , Mods can you remove this thread now thanks
  12. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    I will let you as soon as I get out and make fire . I would imagine that as long as the handles are not directly Over the Fire it should be ok . Although I would imagine that with time the rubber thst covers the handles will start to burn and deteriate. I had an evernew ti pot for backpacking...
  13. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    Hi no handle was not hot , I did not have gloves on when I used at the weekend. Was no problem
  14. salad

    Trip Report snow, fire ,rum and mulled wine

    A few yes;)
  15. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    I cooked pancakes and bacon in it yesterday , it worked good no sticking . it was only on a small gas cooker tho . I will get it on a camp fire probaly one evening in the next week
  16. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    I ordered one this week, it came this morning. I will let you all know how I get on with it . I ordered the smaller 20 cm version My first opinion is positive, it looks built to last a long long time .
  17. salad

    For Sale Bark River PSK

    and replied with requeted details
  18. salad

    GSI stainless frying pan

    I have been looking at the gsi stainless frying pan and was wondering if any on here have any experiance with this . thoughts would be apprieciated. I was thinking of getting the smaller version
  19. salad

    For Sale Bark River PSK

    Last price drop on this , now 110 pounds all in
  20. salad

    For Sale Bark River PSK

    still avalible