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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    new member - cant post in for sale section ?

    Welcome C.taf, You are correct in your assumption, sales through the forum are reserved for those who support the servers financially. We also manually approve all initial posts from new members to avoid any spam posts. ATB Ogri the trog
  2. Ogri the trog

    Some very basic bushcraft camp questions

    Noticed your post a few days ago then promptly forgot to reply..... 1. How do you locate a safe place to camp and have a fire? I know the obvious stuff about making space around the fire and above, etc, but some people say to avoid certain types of tree in case of heavy wind Permission is...
  3. Ogri the trog

    Log cabin office

    Tony, I think a man of your calibre should be able to build something much more bespoke and for less than any standard "kit". After a few visits to places to see what features you really want and what you can do without, I reckon you could do better just buying the timber! I've never been...
  4. Ogri the trog

    Custom Arctic Anorak, from

    Lovin' that anorak! Been thinking about how to use wide sleeves and be able to access pockets from within - great to see that the issue has already been overcome! Following with interest Ogri the trog
  5. Ogri the trog

    Its worth noting.....

    I think you'll be surprised! So you are confident with knots, observations of prey and habitat, move with stealth and have patience - and, at a guess, know about certain types of shelter, camp cooking, weather prediction and plenty more besides. Never underestimate the range of skills that...
  6. Ogri the trog

    Would you buy this app idea & if so, for how much?

    I have been resisting writing this reply for days but I can't hold out any longer... No, I would not buy this, nor any other "App" that tells me how to "forage" or "survive"! And here are the reasons why; 1, I am very old school - I would not trust any battery powered device to hold sufficient...
  7. Ogri the trog

    Swiss alpenflage

    If they are anything like the trousers, they'll be bombproof! - I have a modified pair of trousers that have lasted for years, but I can find a jacket that would be big enough for my above average frame. ATB Ogri the trog
  8. Ogri the trog

    [SOLD] - Survival striker Padauk firestarters from the PNW

    Hi Hemlock, I hope you don't mind that I've edited your "$" sign to a Sterling "£" which might avoid any future confusion. And there's a PM on its way. ATB Ogri the trog
  9. Ogri the trog

    Time/Distance calculations.

    The actual number you use within Naismiths Rule is completely up to you and will only approach accuracy if you perpetually adjust for the type of terrain, weight you carry and so on. But take this adjustment further, by allowing your progress to be somewhat slower, later in the day as you get...
  10. Ogri the trog

    Nic Le Becheur, from Southampton

    What a fantastic introductory post! Welcome aboard Nic ATB Ogri the trog
  11. Ogri the trog

    Zippos and army stuff - Price Drops!

    Blast these sausage fingers and my slow typing OTT
  12. Ogri the trog

    Zippos and army stuff - Price Drops!

    Wow, Radio please PM to follow Ogri the trog
  13. Ogri the trog

    Amateur Radio Foundation Licence course at the 2016 Bushmoot.

    I'll pick up those books and try to remember to bring them along so they are available to all at the Moot. Thanks for your ideas Eric. Ogri the trog
  14. Ogri the trog


    Tarps are sails and sails are tarps - that's the conundrum within which we have to work! They WILL catch the wind and there is precious little that can be done if your location is a windy one. The best advice I can give is to find a location that shelters the general area rather than expect...
  15. Ogri the trog

    Amateur Radio Foundation Licence course at the 2016 Bushmoot.

    I've been looking at some books on Amazon, namely "Foundation Licence Now" and "Amateur Radio Exam Secrets" both by Alan Betts and £4-99 and £12-99 respectively - for some prior information - what do you reckon Eric? As for the Moot course, maybe a session in the morning and one in the early...
  16. Ogri the trog

    Amateur Radio Foundation Licence course at the 2016 Bushmoot.

    Unless I can get through the course before then, I'm certainly interested - although the caveats mentioned by Tony will also apply to me. Ogri the trog
  17. Ogri the trog

    Bushcraft UK Staff Welfare

    Some kind of "Big Brother" going on! How on earth did you find that, Johnnyboy? ATB Ogri the trog
  18. Ogri the trog

    Early Britons: Have we underestimated our ancestors? Horizon tonight

    Brought up more questions than it answered, for me. If the cultures, festivals and gatherings were already in place - where did they originate, what was their purpose and why was it seen as something to be perpetuated or celebrated? I have read other works that claim that this (we are currently...
  19. Ogri the trog

    Toilet duck or Toilet Brush

    Couldn't have put it better myself - kill the bugs in your septic tank and you're in for a very undesirable time! Ogri the trog
  20. Ogri the trog

    Gift or Give away Kit Section

    I am nervous of setting up a dedicated sub-forum - primarily because of the chancers we've had in the past - they can strip out the good-will from the whole forum and leave a bitter taste that lasts for ages. The "Pass it forward" thread (despite its short-comings) is open to see who "offers"...