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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. mark.177

    Sold 4 1/4" Bush utility knife

    Bush utility knife with 4 1/4" blade, full flat grind and tapered tang 9" overall length steel is 5mm 80crv2 handle is aged ivory paper micarta with red fibre liners complete with leather sheath asking £175 posted (UK)
  2. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    when i picked it up i started to haggle over the price but he wouldnt budge. i thought to myself its a good anvil, its in nice condition, iv driven hundreds of miles so just buy the bloomin thing and be done with it. i may find another tomorrow cheaper just down the road or it could be another...
  3. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    all sorts, knives initially but started making J hooks, brooch's, pokers... just beginning so anything simple to start
  4. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    yes, a temporary set up initially for the rail track anvil but seems to work ok with the brooks. i did put a wood cap on it with a skirt to stop things sliding around thanks Andy, very informative and thanks for the offer yes... i paid a lot for it, too much, but just had had enough of looking...
  5. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    thanks, same, the horn and heel ring but a little quieter/muted in the center of the face.
  6. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    if anyone else is looking found another in devon cheap, bit of sweep but £75
  7. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    thanks, yes not cheap, £400 and a 300 mile round trip for this one! it'll see some use now though
  8. mark.177

    Anvil, finally found one!

    really interested in forging of late. iv gotten by with a hunk of rail track for a while now and it has served well but have wanted something heavier for a while and had my eye open for a 'proper' anvil for ages and seems they're not easy to come by in good condition, perseverance has paid off...
  9. mark.177

    Sold blade blanks for sale

    thanks, yes still available if you'd like it
  10. mark.177

    Sold blade blanks for sale

    All now SOLD i have a few unfinished blade blanks for sale heat treated, beveled and rough finished the hidden tang blades have an un hardened tang end for peening. #'s 2 and 3 have a very slight warp #1 SOLD 7" blade in 4.2mm D2 (leuku scandi) £25 #2 SOLD 4" blade in 3mm 14c28n stainless (low...
  11. mark.177

    Penannular brooch's

    really getting into and enjoying this, especially now iv mounted the rail track anvil on something better than a wonky log and bag of sand! also managed to forge out a crude pair of tongs from a couple sets of old slip grips. trying my hand at a few simple projects for the practice, latest...
  12. mark.177

    Sold hultafors ok4 mora kansbol

    Both now sold, thanks thinning out collection so have these available in lightly used (light use testing) but excellent condition bought only for evaluation. hultafors ok4 with ferro rod £12 posted (sk5 carbon steel) SOLD mora kansbol with standard sheath £17 posted 12c27 stainless steel)...
  13. mark.177

    forged garden shear blade

    thanks, sorry, it sold a few days ago before id even had chance to finish it
  14. mark.177

    forged garden shear blade

    finished the knife today, a simple affair using the original hickory handle material
  15. mark.177

    For Sale Re handled F1D (cos) in tan micarta

    pains me to do it but i must sell this as have over £260 tied up in it with around 30 hours work on top so have now reduced the price to just £315 posted its an excellent little knife in the laminated cos steel with a truly versatile full convex grind completely transformed with the fuller handle
  16. mark.177

    For Sale fire steels

    thanks, will pm
  17. mark.177

    forged garden shear blade

    been working on this forged from a left over handle off cut from an old pair of garden clippers, think its 1095? regardless takes a loverly edge. 4" blade free hand ground to a full convex grind
  18. mark.177

    how do I change the "for sale" to "sold" in members classifieds?

    thanks Tony, there is now an edit option, should have asked sooner