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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. rogue_0

    Withdrawn Fjallraven canada shirts

    Pm sent Cheers Dave
  2. rogue_0

    Sold KA-BAR USMC For Sale

    Has this gone? If not I will have it.
  3. rogue_0

    Sold Driza-Bone Poncho

    Pm sent Thanks Dave
  4. rogue_0

    Sold Tree Identification Books

    Arrived the other day, much appreciated. Thanks
  5. rogue_0

    Sold Tree Identification Books

    Very generous, PM sent on the field guide, top right. Do you want postage costs? Dave
  6. rogue_0

    Sold KnivesbyMS – MS Foral S90V

    Yes please. PM incoming Dave
  7. rogue_0

    Withdrawn Fjallraven Nils Trousers for sale

    Hi Concerning the Ochre pair. Which photo would you say is a true reflection of the colour. Its just that the second pic is very yellow to me. Thanks Dave
  8. rogue_0

    Bushcraft Word Association Game

  9. rogue_0

    Sold Swandri Bushshirt 2XL

    Happy to purchase at stated price. Please send details. Thanks Dave
  10. rogue_0

    Sold Swandri Bushshirt 2XL

    Pm sent
  11. rogue_0


    No worries, will have to be quicker next time.
  12. rogue_0


    Too slow again......
  13. rogue_0


    Can you confirm this is a UK legal carry. Thanks Dave
  14. rogue_0

    Best plant ID guidebook.

    The field book version is less intense, and has a rugged plastic cover which is very useful. But F.Rose is very good start. J Polands Vegetative key is very good too. The FSC keys are good, especially if travelling light. Make sure you get the different habitat keys as well as the flora's.
  15. rogue_0

    Best plant ID guidebook.

    Stace Flora of the British Isles, is what serious botanists go for.
  16. rogue_0

    Sold Spyderco Vallotton

    Give me a nod if things don't progress with the above two. Cheers
  17. rogue_0

    Sold KHHI Mini Jungle Kukri

    This is sold isn't it?