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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Ok my turn then. A couple of OG PLCE pouches, used but good
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    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Could I take the SAK pouch please Magentus? I'm in Ireland so don't mind chipping in on postage if you allow! Andy
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    the John Fenna Designs 2017 collection

    They are fantastic sir, what's the 'feel' of them?
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    Another of those, if only you were allowed one, posts. SAK preference

    I also thought about dulling the awl blade to use it as like a marlin spike for wet paracord knots etc - QR/ slip knots are one thing but I always find some knots that are a bugger to release Oo and maybe swap out the can opener instead of the bottle opener..... Can the alox range be modded to...
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    Another of those, if only you were allowed one, posts. SAK preference

    I have the silver alox farmer, but wanted the alox pioneer ( that is the one with the 2nd slightly curved blade in place of can opener?) I used to use a hiker but alas it went missing
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    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    Works for me
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    Price drop: Karrimor SF Sabre 75 + pouches and accessories

    Hi Tag, I'm sorry I just can't make it happen at the mo. I'll keep an eye on this thread tho, sorry again
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    Price drop: Karrimor SF Sabre 75 + pouches and accessories

    Yep, thanks just trying to sort funds before I can pull the trigger- I'll be back to you within next couple of days either wat
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    Price drop: Karrimor SF Sabre 75 + pouches and accessories

    Can I ask, how wide does the waist belt go please?
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    Thanks Phil, much appreciated- can't find on history uk/ irl
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    Jees I can't find it- what channel?
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    What series u on lads?
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    Third Round of Clearout and yes, more bags!

    Waiting with baited breath!
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    Bags, so many Bags! Clearout the second.

    Plce pouches arrived thanks Mike
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    New knives from Hultafors, Mora and cold steel

    My bad it does state that in the description, I just shat myself
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    New knives from Hultafors, Mora and cold steel

    Said I'd have a look on eBay, found the hultafors OK4 -£208! Be careful ppl!!
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    Bags, so many Bags! Clearout the second.

    Incoming pm on the plce pouches please
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    Shenley Park Apple Day

    I loved the ' my current wife' bit at the start! Looks like a fantastic day out!
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    A wee Pictish pouch for myself :)

    Pm replied to Hamish