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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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    Yew Burr on a Mick Spain Bushy

    Looks good mate, nice work as usual :) Has it got a home lined up or is it a user for yourself?
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    looking for a special knife?

    Another vote here for Mik (Penillion)'s knives. I've admired them for a good few years now but unfortunately not been able to justify the spend. Having said that, they certainly are very good value for the quality you get.
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    bushcrafty pet hates!!

    Being patronised by people who think that because they know something, everyone else doesn't. Especially when what they're telling me is something they've picked up from a RM show and is being quoted word for word as if they came up with the idea. And litter. My God that irritates me...
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    Glad to hear it, haven't seen them in ages. Do you know if they're over-nighting?
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    Never lend a knife! Help needed

    Oooohhh.... That's nasty :( Like Bernie said, a blade with a R61/62 temper will be a mission to grind on a stone, especially if you have little experiance. And Japanese water-stones aren't especially tough so it will wear the stone down quite a bit too. Personally I'd send it back to...
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    That's not quite what I was getting at. Perhaps my original reply wasn't worded very well. People who buy crocs because of their practical value aren't following fashion. It's the people who buy them simply because they have 'Crocs' written on them (with no regard to the practical...
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    Glen Affric

    Yes. It's something to do with the dimishing spider population a year or two ago. Less spiders means more flies survive to breed and the populations keep getting bigger. The spider populations are back to normal now and will actually increase as there is now more food available to them...
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    We are not 'bushcraft fashion victims'. Well, I'm not at least. Hammocks and tarps are general items and yes, most of us use them. But that's not following fashion. Following fashion would be to buy a particular brand of tarp or hammock simply because it's the latest in-thing. This is...
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    Glen Affric

    Looks great :D I was in Glen Affric last year with Twoflower but we decided to leave the area when we couldn't find suitable places for hammocks. I wish we'd persevered now, that view across the loch in the second picture looks ideal. :( I get the feeling I'll be going back later this...
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    I was actually going to buy a pair of these for last years bushmoot. I saw tham in the front of a discount shoe shop and thought they'd be excellent for crossing rivers/ foraging stony shorelines etc. Basically anywhere that involves submerging your feet and is sharp underfoot. Needless to...
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    Heads up Nanok Sleeping bag

    Yeah, I've had a look at them before and considered buying the 'Golden Eagle' bag but Woodlore charge way too much IMHO. Didin't realise they were made by the same people as the Nanok bags though, or have I misunderstood?
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    Fungi lock depleted uranium out of harm's way

    I was of the impression that radioactive uranium persists in the environment for decades anyway - it occurs naturally in the ground. At levels higher than found in depleted-uranium missiles. Or have I been badly informed? :confused: Interesting info about the fungi though. I suppose it...
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    That all sounds good. My expertise with wild food doesn't stretch that far so it'll be a good opportunity to learn a little. I'm quite looking forward to it.
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    Custom Build #132... 001/3...

    What's the purpose of the forward-curved part of the handguard and the extended part of the spine, where the blade meets the handle? Do they have a function or is it purely aesthetics? Nice knife by the way. Very nice. :cool:
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    Sleeping bag

    Yeah, I used one of those '58 military bags too. It was very warm, to the point where I never used a roll mat with it, and I never had any zip-related issues with it either. But, like you said, it was absolutely massive when packed away, and weighed at least twice as much as my Nanok.
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    Sleeping bag

    Not too sure how relevent this post is gonna be... I use a Nanok -10 and find it to be warm enough but there are a couple of things which bother me about it. I sleep cold and regularly wake up if there is a cold wind. The Nanok is partly to blame because it isn't wind proof. It keeps...
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    Heads up Nanok Sleeping bag

    It certainly is. If only they did Nanoks with a zip down the front. Ever tried doing up side zips in a hammock? Not much fun. :(
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    Full kit lists

    Whoah.... double posted by accident, sorry guys :o
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    Full kit lists

    I'm not a 'kit junkie' in any sense of the word and prefer using cheap, reliable items - home made if possible - so my list may not be what you're after. Saying that, it may give you a different perspective on kit. These are my basics, which I think are pretty essential. Tarp/tent - if...
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    What did you have in mind? :D I've a few things I wouldn't mind foraging for while we're there. Nothing major, just a few leaves and stuff. By the way guys, I've been thinking - do you reckon Libby and Dave would mind if we pulled apart one of their ant hills? Not destroy it, just...