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    BcUK fly of the month April 2024

    Haven't done any flyfishing in about 30 years, might be a good time to restart. We have less insect species here but on the other hand our mayflies fly until July-August.
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    Smart 'phone apps for bushcraft.

    GPS Status shows all satnav satellites, your position, heading, elevation etc. Also shows all sensors that exist on your phone and readings for those.
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    Day Out A day in the sunny Lincolnshire Wolds

    I like the way the OSM map has the added descriptions like "cherry tree" at the north end of the walk. Nice day and good video.
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    The time has come the Bushcrafter said.. Light weight rucksacks. Most of my kit is old and ex-military at the age of 70

    As far as I understand it is because climbers use those, I have no idea why. Also some military ones are narrow as it is a bloody nuisance to carry AT weapons anywhere but the sides. I don't see any factual reason for that, I guess it is the coolness factor mostly. Hmm ... there is one...
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    How do warm blooded people cope

    It adds up, compressed down just has higher heat conductivity than uncompressed. On the rest I just invoke Broch's conjecture.
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    The time has come the Bushcrafter said.. Light weight rucksacks. Most of my kit is old and ex-military at the age of 70

    List your gear by weight and start spending money on the heaviest items and before that decide if you really need something. By the way taking 60 l bag you just can't stuff in as much as into a 80 l one.
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    Whats your oldest kit

    I have from grandfather the earlier model from that -1930. Now retired to drawer duty. It is also somewhat a piece of history as some years ago a noticed it has "Suojeluskunta" stamps on it.
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    Fiskars tools - are they plastic tat?

    After some real use and abuse the axes and billhooks are good, secateurs so and so; well made but the cutting blades are too thin and tend to bend and break: kind of misuse but still within operational parameters. Plastic handles are good, steel used is good. I have visited the factory some...
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    aluminium water bottles for carrying fuel?!

    A lot of epoxies are BPA based but not all, especially some high temp baked coatings. But generally drinking bottles and epoxies is not a good combination, some vinyl esters are actually tested and approved for wine tanks in France and as all know that is an application of almost religious...
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    How do warm blooded people cope

    Actually not a lot, with achievable COP 5 I would say it is not a bad trade, 3 is true even with the larger temp differences.. Read the last sentence. While I am not a thermodynamicist I know the practical implications quite well having worked with heat conduction (and a bit with radiation) in...
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    How do warm blooded people cope

    That is generally not true, think of heat pumps but yes, it does not happen spontaneously.
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    How do warm blooded people cope

    Know the feeling. :D
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    How do warm blooded people cope

    Even sleeping bags have to follow physics and that idea is not supported by it. The heat that escapes through your clothing has to go somewhere and where it goes is to the air inside your bag. Yes that air is cooler than with less clothing but the clothing you have on causes the difference...
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    aluminium water bottles for carrying fuel?!

    Sorry, trying to read something in the morning without glasses. The rest holds though. Why I misread it is that dry ice is sometimes used for cleaning dirt off and in some cases it is surprisingly effective.
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    aluminium water bottles for carrying fuel?!

    Hmmm... one can scrub off the oxide layer but in air it forms back in about a millisecond. Also some anodized oxides are pretty hard not sure if CO2 ice can scrub it. Properly made oxide layer is fairly stable and anything free formed is softer. At least one of my SIGG bottles looks anodized...
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    Old knife restoration

    I bought two old knives, definitely not working ones though both in good condition. I am going to do some basic cleaning but how much? Should I have the blades darkened after cleaning? A kukri and a jambiya.
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    water proof jacket and trouser. what to get

    I am slowly turning to the idea of having rain clothing that is as water repellent as possible and the material is still air permeable. That works in all conditions but high winds when the dynamic pressure from a water droplet is greater than what any treatment can withhold. The only thing...
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    Homemade canoes?

    I made a kayak from the very beginning. An Aleut baidarka. Got the lines from a book, did some smoothing, made a mold and finally the kayak itself. Did not dare to count the hours. There is a way to make a kayak from Al tubing and 10mm polyethylene sheet with an impregnated fabric covering...
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    Mice in Van (again)

    Did not notice this before, yes overdose of vitamin D is unhealthy. In humans vitamin K2 acts against the harmful effects and vitamin A has been tested in humans and chickens and it is kind of antidote. But it looks like vitamin D effects differ wildly between species. If and when working Mme...
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    Still lots of Covid about?

    Apparently bood type O- resists generally infections a bit, also covid.